Новости драфт нхл 2024 рейтинг проспектов

Драфт НХЛ 2024 – Антон Силаев второй в рейтинге драфта НХЛ от Sportsnet. Защитник нижегородского «Торпедо» Антон Силаев занял второе место, форвард петербургского СКА Иван Демидов стал третьим в международном рейтинге драфта 2024 года по версии центрального скаутского бюро НХЛ. Spencer Rattler enters 2024 NFL Draft as one of its biggest enigmas.


Исполнителю этого же амплуа Артему Левшунову прочат еще более светлое будущее. Он выпустил свой предварительный рейтинг десяти лучших проспектов для драфта НХЛ следующего года. Левшунов мог бы сыграть в высших юниорских лигах уже в прошлом сезоне, если бы не запрет на участие белорусских и российских игроков на импортном драфте КХЛ 2022 года.

На девятой строчке нападающий столичного «Динамо» Игорь Чернышов. Среди вратарей Илья Набоков из магнитогорского «Металлурга» занимает второе место.

He anticipates plays exceptionally well and makes smart decisions with and without the puck. His defensive game relies heavily on his stick work and the physical side of the game is something he really needs to work on. That said, his tools forced our hand in keeping him inside our top 15. He uses his physicality intelligently too, always looking to separate player from puck. Most of those pertain to the mental side of the game.

From missing secondary scoring threats to becoming a deer in the headlights under pressure while stationary, Jiricek has a few hurdles to overcome, but we have seen enough flashes to believe that there is a real chance he does so. His tenacious presence on the forecheck often leads to turnovers which he quickly turns into scoring chances with accurate passes. He is a legitimately dangerous playmaker thanks to his precise puck handling and ability to get passes through lanes. He also has a strong understanding of space and timing, particularly in the offensive zone. This puts him in a good position to score on a regular basis although his finishing is only about average.

His strong work ethic allows him to overcome an inefficient stride that ultimately limits his top speed. That being said, improvements in his skating technique could unlock more upside in transition. He is a very effective playmaker making passes from behind the net as well and off the half wall. Despite his small frame, he will win puck battles by using his speed and competitiveness. Misa is supremely tenacious and will backcheck hard to try to force as many turnovers as he can.

Combine that with poor size and just good skill and this is probably what separates him from a player like Zach Benson in 2023. Ritchie has very quick feet and hands with excellent puckhandling posture, making him an excellent puck carrier. Especially when given time and space to attack downhill, Ritchie is particularly adept at using those hands to find the middle of the ice for high-quality chances. Ritchie is also an effective positionally-focused player, using great puck spacing and support in all three zones and prioritizing strong body positioning before establishing puck possession. The next steps for Ritchie will be improving his standstill explosiveness and checking lanes which hinders his ability to win puck battles and adding more layers of deception to his playmaking.

Ritchie has a good read of where his options are but too often telegraphs his intentions, making many of his passes unnecessarily risky. If Ritchie can improve in these areas and continue to develop, he could challenge Catton and Lindstrom for a top WHL draft-eligible. Besides the name pedigree, Iginla is an easy player to root for. His habits away from the puck are a definite strength, from his frequent scanning, active stick, good forechecking routes and hard-nosed backchecking. He gets off the wall to the middle quickly, and can also drift into high-danger areas, and when paired with his lightning-quick snapshot, makes him a dangerous goal scorer.

Iginla might lack the high-end dynamism of some of the other WHLers in this class, but his combination of all-around skills and pro-level habits make him a good bet to be a contributing NHLer. He constantly tries to take on opponents one-on-one, pushes through checks with shoulder drops and great puck placement, and always goes for the throat with his offensive zone incursions. A major difference between Connelly last year versus this year, is that he is trusting his teammates a lot more to complete his plays. As a result, his playmaking game has grown and he has adopted a distributor role that fits his skillset better than the finisher role he was trying to force last year. His defensive game is lacklustre; his motor is very inconsistent, and there have been major questions regarding his character that will likely have some teams very hesitant to bet on his upside, no matter how high it is.

Developing a more mature game and showing whoever picks him that he can improve will be essential if he is going to reach his top-line ceiling. He is clicking at a goal per game and 30 points in 18 matches played as of writing this. Beyond the point totals, however, what makes Parascak so interesting is the way he puts up those points. A vast majority of the points he has produced so far have come from the low slot and off one-touch plays, which seems strange at first given how poor his skating is. Perfectly-timed inside cuts, one-touch passes and net drives put him and his teammates in prime scoring real estate almost every shift, and he has also improved his long-range scoring to complement his short-range threat.

His trademark mobility is as present as ever and is now employing multiple layers of deception at multiple levels. His passing game is remarkable, as he is able to identify soft ice regularly even at this intermediate level. He has become much better at anticipating play, and become a rather proficient stick-checker as well. He has plenty of time to get there, and he looks plenty impressive as is. If he continues on this path, he can make his placement on draft day a very difficult conversation.

And boy did he ever. The undersized winger is now the captain of his team at 18 years old, and by far their leader in production and overall on-ice impact. Often their lone forward when defending a 5 on 3 power play, often out in the last minute of the game to win a key faceoff or defend the lead, Howe is the go-to guy in Regina in defensive situations as well. With solid skating, a high-end motor and surprisingly good board battle mechanics, Howe always outworks his opponents along the boards.

Напомним, что в первом раунде драфта 2023 года было выбрано четверо россиян: защитник Дмитрий Симашев 6-й номер, «Аризона» , нападающий Матвей Мичков 7-й, «Филадельфия» , нападающий Даниил Бут 12-й, «Аризона» и защитник Михаил Гуляев 31-й, «Колорадо». Нашли ошибку в тексте?

В топ-10 европейского рейтинга драфта НХЛ 2024 года оказались четверо россиян

Defensively, Buium does a good job of positioning himself in front of the attack to take away skating lanes. He possesses a rare blend of skill, size, and speed as well as playing the coveted center position for one of the strongest teams in the WHL. Lindstrom is a fierce competitor who plays every game with a Tkachukian-edge. He boosts impressive speed and agility which he uses to frequently attack the middle of the ice on rushes. On the defensive side of the puck Lindstrom provides great support for his defenders when the puck is in the corners, and he also has a very active stick which he effectively uses to disrupt passing lanes. Lindstrom has the making of a star modern day power-forward and will certainly be one to watch as he is sure to move up draft boards as the year goes on. He has a pro-favoured frame at 6ft3 and 194 lbs, and uses it incredibly effectively in both ends of the ice. In the defensive zone, he nips plays in the butt, and accelerates the transition game with quick up passes. Skating is a strength, and there is no glaring weakness directionally.

He can go all four directions well, with good agility to re position when needed. When defending against the rush, he communicates well with his forwards to explain where he needs the support prior to crossing into the defensive zone. He implements extremely good positioning to shut down passing and shooting lanes to the interior. Jiricek does a great job of re-adjusting his positioning when defending against multiple attackers to shut down potential one-timers. When behind the red line and along the boards, he plays with a physical edge and will look to pokecheck. He loves jumping into the rush and pinching up with and without the puck. He will look to position himself in the high slot and pepper shots on net. Levshunov has collected quite a few assists at 5v5 as a result of generating rebounds for his teammates at the crease.

Since he likes to pinch up and play up in the offensive zone, there are shifts in which he finds himself slightly out of position and struggles to get back into position. He loves to take advantage of tight passing lanes when on the rush and pressure intensifies. Parekh will complete outlet and stretch passes underneath the stick of the attacker with ease. When off puck but his team has possession of the puck, Parekh loves to jump into the rush and provide his teammates with a passing option up ice. In the offensive zone, when pinching up he loves to change up his pace to throw off attackers and buy separation so he can net enough space to get a pass off to the interior. Last year the Finn put himself in the conversation as a potential top five pick, with 11 points in 33 Liiga games at just 16 years old. This year he has advanced that conversation further. That should probably be turning more heads than it has.

He is a fantastic transition player and drives play as a result. His passing is crisp, accurate and deceptive, and while he might primarily be a play-maker he has a good shot, especially his one-timer from the left half-wall on the power-play. He is not the fastest, but is extremely shifty and agile. Helenius also has an exceptional compete level, and is more than solid defensively. Alex Appleyard 12 — Luke Misa, C, Mississauga Luke Misa plays a very high-tempo game, prays on the vulnerable when on the forecheck, can drive the rush and create chances off of the rush regularly. Misa will feather passes in tight lanes in all three zones as he looks to push play up ice. In the offensive zone when off puck, he does a great job of finding open ice down low to create an intriguing passing option for his teammates. He will also look to jump onto loose pucks at the crease and capitalize with a quick goal before the goaltender can react.

Misa has tremendous upside and could see a bump up in our next set of rankings. The highest a Norweigan has been picked was Marius Holtet, who went 42nd overall in 2002. The Oslo native has everything to be a top NHLer. The things that make him stand out? His release is fantastic, he gets the puck off crisply, quickly, and with a high level of accuracy even if it is away from his body or in his feet. His hockey IQ is impressive, he is virtually never out of position and seemingly knows where everyone is on ice at all times. He is also a legitimate power-forward, who likes to throw his weight around and get to the net-front. On the boards he regularly dominates men 15 years his senior.

Defensively he is also impressive, with an active stick and the ability to win most 1-v-1 battles. His skating is solid, but will need to get more explosive. Additionally, while his vision is fantastic, he does not always connect on pass attempts, and will likely never be a high-end play-maker. But make no mistake, he has the potential to be one of the premier two-way wingers in the NHL. He uses the threat of his shot very effectively to create passing lanes for his teammates to move into.

Пока появляются предварительные рейтинги, одним из них стал список 16 лучших молодых игроков, составленный в середине сентября известным аналитиком канадского портала TSN Бобом Маккензи. Этот рейтинг сформирован по итогам голосования 10 скаутов клубов НХЛ. Первым номером прошедшего в этом году в Нэшвилле драфта НХЛ был двукратный чемпион мира среди молодежных команд канадец Коннор Бедард, и никто этот выбор "Чикаго" не оспаривал. Отмечается, что Селебрини может повторить путь Бедарда, так как имеет потенциал добавить во всех компонентах: катании, владении шайбой, видении площадки, голевом чутье. Интересно, что оба родились в агломерации Ванкувера. Вторым в рейтинге стоит крайний нападающий Коул Эйзерман, который, как и многие американские игроки, является участником программы Ассоциации хоккея США по развитию игроков до 18 лет. Эксперты отмечают его бросок, из-за которого канадский аналитик, специализирующийся на выявлении хоккейных талантов, Крэйг Баттон сравнил Эйзермана с нападающим "Вашингтона" Александром Овечкиным. Демидов хочет выиграть Кубок Гагарина Нападающий СКА Иван Демидов идет на третьем месте в списке, 17-летний форвард известен своим универсализмом, культурой паса и броском. В межсезонье он наигрывался в звено к выбранному седьмым на драфте-2023 "Филадельфией" Матвею Мичкову. Тот пробовался в тройке в качестве центрфорварда, но в начале чемпионата Фонбет - Континентальной хоккейной лиги не закрепился в основе армейцев и был отправлен в аренду в "Сочи". Четырех россиян выбрали в первом раунде. Несмотря на это, по мнению Баттона, Демидов по своему потенциалу выглядит сильнее Мичкова, эксперт сравнил его с форвардом "Тампы" Никитой Кучеровым. В своем рейтинге Баттон, как и Маккензи, поставил Демидова на третье место. Контракт Демидова со СКА действует еще два сезона.

Shot grades are only included if a shot is notably good or poor. Player comparables are introduced for the first time in this draft cycle. This is my best attempt at providing a realistic name to indicate the type of player I think a prospect could become. Some players of the more unique variety are harder to find a comparable for, such as 6-foot-7 Anton Silayev. My next list will be longer and will include reports on players outside the first-round range Expand all.

He is not the fastest, but is extremely shifty and agile. Helenius also has an exceptional compete level, and is more than solid defensively. Alex Appleyard 12 — Luke Misa, C, Mississauga Luke Misa plays a very high-tempo game, prays on the vulnerable when on the forecheck, can drive the rush and create chances off of the rush regularly. Misa will feather passes in tight lanes in all three zones as he looks to push play up ice. In the offensive zone when off puck, he does a great job of finding open ice down low to create an intriguing passing option for his teammates. He will also look to jump onto loose pucks at the crease and capitalize with a quick goal before the goaltender can react. Misa has tremendous upside and could see a bump up in our next set of rankings. The highest a Norweigan has been picked was Marius Holtet, who went 42nd overall in 2002. The Oslo native has everything to be a top NHLer. The things that make him stand out? His release is fantastic, he gets the puck off crisply, quickly, and with a high level of accuracy even if it is away from his body or in his feet. His hockey IQ is impressive, he is virtually never out of position and seemingly knows where everyone is on ice at all times. He is also a legitimate power-forward, who likes to throw his weight around and get to the net-front. On the boards he regularly dominates men 15 years his senior. Defensively he is also impressive, with an active stick and the ability to win most 1-v-1 battles. His skating is solid, but will need to get more explosive. Additionally, while his vision is fantastic, he does not always connect on pass attempts, and will likely never be a high-end play-maker. But make no mistake, he has the potential to be one of the premier two-way wingers in the NHL. He uses the threat of his shot very effectively to create passing lanes for his teammates to move into. He plays a very intelligent game which sees him attack the middle often and quite successfully as he leverages a combination of his high-level stickhandling and physical tools. The knock on his game thus far has been his quirky staking style, but it seems to be improving with each game, and he still has good speed in-spite of his mechanics. Additionally, he has proven to be quite the effective penalty killer for Windsor, and this is a result of his excellent stick movement, often eliminating passing lanes in the defensive zone and helping create passing options in the offensive zone. Similarly to Misa, he looks to pray on the vulnerable and does a great job of stick lifting and poke checking to cause disruption in puck possession. Iginla does well at feathering passes in tight and does a good job with puck security when being pursued by multiple attackers at close proximity. Iginla has second line upside and could be deployed at center or wing without losing a step. But make no mistake, the Nizhnekamsk native has been one of the best three Russian forwards amongst his age-group for the last couple of years. This year however? He has taken a giant leap, and is playing at a level in the KHL that very few draft eligibles ever achieve. Artamonov belies the outdated stereotype of the skilled, Russian winger who only plays in the offensive zone. He is an energiser bunny. Voracious on the fore-check, diligent in the defensive zone, with an active stick that constantly disrupts lanes. Furthermore, while no-one would mistake him for a physical player, he is more than happy to go to the corners or net-front. He is a great skater and a fantastic passer, alongside this his ability to get free ice in the offensive zone is exceptional. The downsides? He has extremely good speed for his size especially his lateral speed that allows him to shift positioning when he is slighly further away from where he needs to be when defending against the rush. Silyaev uses his reach and size to take up space. While this ranking might seem relatively low to where others have Silayev, the offensive upside of Artamonov, Iginla, Misa, Greentree and others in the 10-20 range made it a challenge for the Smaht team to push Silayev up higher. Josh Tessler 18 — Trevor Connelly, F, Tri-City Trevor Connelly does a good job of not forcing the puck into danger and will pivot away from pressure to get the separation that he needs to complete a pass to the interior. When driving the cycle to find a lane to the slot, he does a good job of navigating the puck around pressure with his reach and great handling. He will work the puck along the boards and scan for passing lanes to get the puck to an open teammate in the slot. If he has the puck and a teammate is close by with an attacker looking on, he will delay, draw the attacker to him and then pass to his teammate who is now open with a clear lane to the crease. Hemming has them all. He can be a juggernaut even against men in Liiga, able to use his speed, edge-work, pick-handling and size in conjunction to drop a shoulder and get past anyone. Even at 17 years old against men, Hemming has an incredible transition game. His wrist-shot is lethal to boot, and he is able to pick a corner from anywhere on ice. While he has the size he rarely uses it, and plays on the perimeter.

2024 NHL Draft rankings: Mid-November top 40

The 2024 NHL Draft prospects list is topped by Macklin Celebrini. The 17-year-old forward player has currently committed to Boston University. Vancouver native started competing for the BC Junior Canucks in 2015. Эксперт Sportsnet Сэм Косентино представил свой февральский рейтинг. Минимум трое россиян могут рассчитывать на выбор в первом раунде драфта Национальной хоккейной лиги (НХЛ) 2024 года. Минимум трое россиян могут рассчитывать на выбор в первом раунде драфта Национальной хоккейной лиги (НХЛ) 2024 года. Spencer Rattler enters 2024 NFL Draft as one of its biggest enigmas.

Артема Левшунова включают в топ-10 проспектов уже драфта NHL-2024

Четверо россиян вошли в топ-10 международного рейтинга драфта 2024 года по версии центрального скаутского бюро Национальной хоккейной лиги (НХЛ) по итогам половины сезона. NHL Inside | Обзоры НХЛ. 7 апр 2023. Пожаловаться. Колумнист авторитетного портала The Athletic Скотт Уилер представил предварительный рейтинг лучших проспектов для драфта НХЛ 2024 года. Первое место в данном рейтинге досталось канадцу Маклину Селебрини. Хотя до ближайшего драфта НХЛ ещё довольно далеко, уже можно изучать рейтинги проспектов, составляемые авторитетными изданиями и скаутами. Лента новостей. 2024 NHL Draft Prospect Rankings | Tankathon. NHL scoring leaders and demographics breakdown in the 2023-2024 season. Connor Earegood looks at the top prospects for the 2024 NHL draft.

Артема Левшунова включают в топ-10 проспектов уже драфта NHL-2024

Национальная хоккейная лига (НХЛ, NHL) – профессиональная хоккейная лига Северной Америки, в которой выступают 32 команды из США и Канады. With some showcase tournaments out of the way, here’s a look at Daily Faceoff’s 40 rankings for the 2024 NHL Draft for November. With the 2024 NHL Draft just 2 months away, it's time to take a look at the top 100 prospects available in this year's draft class.

NHL Draft 2024 Top Prospects

  • Россияне Силаев и Демидов возглавили рейтинг драфта НХЛ-2024
  • Россияне Силаев и Демидов возглавили рейтинг драфта НХЛ-2024
  • Ranking the top 32 prospects for the 2024 NHL draft - ESPN
  • NFL DRAFT 2024 Overall Prospect Rankings
  • Россиянин возглавил международный рейтинг драфта НХЛ 2024 года

Белорус Артем Левшунов — в топ-3 главных проспектов драфта НХЛ-2024 по версии The Athletic

Main navigation. Connor Earegood looks at the top prospects for the 2024 NHL draft. Драфт НХЛ 2024: Рейтинг проспектов и перспективы. Защитник нижегородского «Торпедо» Антон Силаев занял первое место в финальной версии международного рейтинга драфта 2024 года по версии центрального скаутского бюро НХЛ. An early look at the 2024 NHL Draft class with the top 12 ranked prospects, including Macklin Celebrini, Cole Eiserman, Ivan Demidov, and more. Защитник нижегородского «Торпедо» Антон Силаев занял второе место, форвард петербургского СКА Иван Демидов стал третьим в международном рейтинге драфта 2024 года по версии центрального скаутского бюро НХЛ.

NHL 2024 mock draft player rankings

Два игрока из КХЛ вошли в топ-5 лучших проспектов на драфте НХЛ 2024 Первая десятка рейтинга лучших проспектов драфта-2024 НХЛ по версии Sportsnet выглядит следующим образом: 1. Маклин Селебрини.
Preliminary 2024 NHL Draft Rankings - Smaht Scouting NHL scoring leaders and demographics breakdown in the 2023-2024 season.
Sportsnet: Демидов – 3-й в рейтинге проспектов на драфте НХЛ-2024, Силаев – 8-й, Чернышов – 18-й Find out where your favorite all stacks up against the 2024 class and view expert mock drafts.
2024 NHL Draft rankings: Mid-November top 40 | Yardbarker NHL Inside | Обзоры НХЛ. 7 апр 2023. Пожаловаться. Колумнист авторитетного портала The Athletic Скотт Уилер представил предварительный рейтинг лучших проспектов для драфта НХЛ 2024 года. Первое место в данном рейтинге досталось канадцу Маклину Селебрини.
2024 NHL Draft Rankings: Mid-November Top 40 - Daily Faceoff Upside Hockey's 2024 NHL Draft Rankings: Spring Edition.

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