Известные цитаты Гитлера (100 цитат). Вот, что говорил Адольф Гитлер. Цитаты и афоризмы Гитлера были представлены выше. Цитаты и афоризмы Гитлера были представлены выше. Известные цитаты Гитлера (100 цитат).
Adolf Hitler - Речи | Текст песни
Крылатые фразы Гитлера. Высказывание Гитлера на немецком. On September 12, 1938, Adolf Hitler, Chancellor of the Reich, addressed the German Reichstag. That morning, The German Reich had crossed the German-Czech frontier, thus initiating the Invasion of Czechoslovakia. Delegates, Men of the German Reichstag! For months we have been suffering under. Цитаты, фразы и афоризмы на немецком с переводом.”. Главная» Новости» Фразы гитлера на немецком. A speech by Adolf Hitler on foreign policy from 1937.
Adolf Hitler - Речи | Текст песни
Цитаты Гитлера на немецком. История праздника, Традиции праздника, Тосты и Подарки, Интересные факты. Цитаты гитлера на немецком. Главная» Новости» Фразы гитлера на немецком. Главная» Новости» Фразы гитлера на немецком. The speeches, letters, and proclamations of Adolph Hitler. Крылатые фразы Гитлера. Высказывание Гитлера на немецком.
Цитаты Гитлера
Я хотел бы найти все речи Гитлера в оригинале на немецком языке, но чем больше я смотрю, тем меньше нахожу. Конечно, кое-где есть несколько его выступлений, но полного текста его речей на немецком нигде не найти. Adolf Hitler said in a speech: Wenn es dem internationalen Finanzjudentum in und außerhalb Europas gelingen sollte, die Völker noch einmal in einen Weltkrieg zu stürzen, dann wird das Ergebnis nicht der Sieg des Judentums sein, sondern die Vernichtung der jüdischen Rasse in Europa! If international. немецкий непальский нидерландский норвежский ория панджаби персидский польский португальский пушту руанда румынский русский самоанский себуанский сербский сесото сингальский синдхи словацкий словенский сомалийский суахили суданский таджикский тайский. Цитаты, приведенные ниже, собрал Вернер Мазер, автор самой полной и авторитетной биографии Гитлера.
Did Adolf Hitler Say 'Our Movement Is Christian'?
В своей 109-минутной патетической речи, которая транслировалась по национальному радио в прямом эфире, Геббельс призвал немецкий народ к « тотальной войне » до победного конца. На балюстраде был вывешен транспарант с лозунгом «Тотальная война — кратчайшая война». Апеллируя в речи к национальному сознанию, Геббельс, возможно, ориентировался на Сталина , который через двенадцать дней после германского нападения на СССР в своём радиообращении объявил войну СССР против Германии « Великой Отечественной войной » [1]. Хотите ли вы её, если надо, тотальней и радикальней, чем мы её себе можем сегодня представить?
Mein Kampf, 1925, Volume 1, p. Was there any excrement, any shamelessness in any form, above all in cultural life, in which at least one Jew would not have been involved? As soon as one even carefully cut into such an abscess, one found, like maggots in a decaying body, often blinded by the sudden light, a kike.
Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf: Quote regarding "The Big Lie" All this was inspired by the principle--which is quite true in itself--that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily, and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they are more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in tha art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes.
Дно долины в 26 тысяч лет достигнуто. Рабство уменьшится, свободы прибавляется, и мы всё больше будем мирно творчески этим пользоваться. Пусть тебя не смущает, что в данный момент угрожающе трещит.
Это делается быстро, беспощадно и всё глупее, так что всё больше людей всё скорее мигают и с удивлением видит: оппа, вот так обстоят дела, которые до сих пор были вне моей оптики… Нет, я в этом больше не буду участвовать. Направляю свою благодарность Адольфу Гитлеру и немецкому народу. Миллионы немцев тогда участвовали в борьбе, в которой тогда ещё невозможно было победить. Но бойцами авангарда они были. Они пробивали бреши.
Schmidt, Der Standard, 20. Er hatte das gewisse Etwas, woraus Legenden geschaffen werden…" - John F. Kennedy , Tagebucheintrag vom 1. September 1936 "Man wird der historischen Erscheinung Adolf Hitlers nicht gerecht, solange man ihn als Einzelwesen schildert. Ich bekenne, dass mir Hitler selbst sympathisch ist. Luzern: Vita Nova, 1935, S. Grundlagen kollektiven Verhaltens. Wenn wir ihn von vornherein verteufeln, werden wir ihm nicht gerecht.
Афоризмы на немецком языке
- что говорил гитлер на немецком языке | Дзен
- Полный текст заявления Гитлера от 22 июня 1941 года
- Высказывания адольфа гитлера. Цитаты на немецком языке с переводом
- Hitler Speech on Foreign Policy (1937)
- Цитаты адольфа гитлера на немецком с переводом - Научные работы на
служба утерянных цитат - 9
Полный текст заявления главаря нацистской Германии Адольфа Гитлера о необходимости уничтожения славян впервые опубликован в России, сообщили РИА Новости в Российском военно-историческом обществе (РВИО). Пользователь Микола Довгенький задал вопрос в категории Лингвистика и получил на него 2 ответа. (русский текст внизу) Russland hat eine Rede Adolf Hitlers freigegeben, nota bene mit russischen Untertiteln versehen. Die Botschaft an die Machthaber weltweit und an die "Elite" in Amerika kann deutlicher nicht sein: Was AH damals sagte, es trifft exakt auf heute zu. Es mag traurig sein, es ist wahr. My German Fellow Countrymen and Women, My Comrades! At present everybody speaks before the forum which seems to them the most fitting. Some speak before a parliament whose existence, composition and origin (are well known). I believe that I should return again today whence I came. Особого внимания заслуживают интересные высказывания всем известного немецкого политика и оратора Гитлера, который высказывался на многие темы, начиная от народа и заканчивая темой любви.
Die Rede Adolf Hitlers – Речь Адольфа Гитлера
Adolf Hitler – Wikiquote | Hitler im Reichstag am 1. September 1939 Quelle: Bundesarchiv Koblenz. |
служба утерянных цитат - 9: labas — LiveJournal | Вот, что говорил Адольф Гитлер. Цитаты и афоризмы Гитлера были представлены выше. |
Adolf Hitler: Rede vor dem Reichstag am 1. September 1939 | Адольф Гитлер (1889-1945) был диктатором Германии с 1933 по 1945 годы и является одним из ключевых персонажей Второй мировой войны. |
Цитаты гитлера | Речь Гитлера на немецком текст. |
"Why We Are Antisemites" - Text of Adolf Hitler's 1920 speech at the Hofbräuhaus | Carolyn Yeager | Вождь Рейха Адольф Гитлер имеет полную единодушную поддержку всего немецкого народа: какая еще демократия нужна демагогам Запада?». |
Adolf Hitler - Речи | Текст песни
Sieben sollen nicht harren auf einen Narren. Слово-серебро, молчание-золото. Если тебе говорят, что уже поздно — то ты потерял не время, а значимость. Ein voller Bauch studiert nie gern. Сытое брюхо к ученью глухо.
Я чувствую твое тепло здесь, но, к сожалению ты не со мной. Завтра я буду скучать по тебе не больше, поскольку я смогу поцеловать тебя еще раз. Menschen durch die Liebe. Плоды созревают на солнце.
Люди через любовь. Die Furcht hat tausend Augen. У страха глаза велики. Ты для меня солнце, ты для меня дом родной, ты для меня счастье мира, даже если он тебе не нравиться.
Eigene Last ist nicht schwer. Своя ноша не тянет. Das Ende klang wie Grabgesang. Начали за здравие, закончили за упокой.
Doch von diesen 1000 Herzen liebt Dich keines so wie ich! Но эти 1000 сердец любят вас не так как я! Was du heute kannst besorgen, das verschiebe nicht auf morgen. Не откладывай на завтра то, что можно сделать сегодня.
Sie kommen oft im Moment, wenn sie notwendig sind. Не стоит бояться перемен. Часто они случаются именно в тот момент, когда они необходимы. Ist der Kopf abgeschlagen, wird niemand nach dem Hute fragen.
Снявши голову, по волосам не плачут Die Dummen werden nicht alle. Sei in sich selbst sicher und gib nicht nach. Будь уверен в себе и никогда не сдавайся. Мир принадлежит тому, кто ему рад.
Воспоминания удивительная штука: согревает изнутри и тут же рвёт на части. Der Appetit kommt beim Essen. Ты главное ешь, а аппетит появится. Только любовь сильнее смерти.
Wer fremde Sprache nicht kennt,weiss nichts von seiner eigenen. Тот, кто не знает иностранных языков, не знает ничего и о своём собственном. Все дороги ведут в Рим. Aller Anfang ist schwer.
Первый блин комом. Лиха беда начало. Кто обжегся на молоке теперь на воду дует. Paradies: Der Ort, wo Menschen die Liebe ernster nehmen als sich selbst.
Рай: место, где люди принимают любовь более серьезно, чем самих себя Geduld bringt Rosen. Терпение и труд все перетрут. Терпи, казак, атаманом будешь. Was Du lernen willst zu tun, lernst Du, indem Du es tust.
Тому, чему ты хочешь научиться, учишься ты, делая это. Allen Leuten recht getan ist eine Kunst, die niemand kann На вкус и цвет - товарищей нет. Gute Saat, gute Ernte. Что посеешь, то и пожнёшь.
Durch Fehler wird man klug. Reden ist Silber, Schweigen ist Gold. Слово - серебро, молчание - золото. Без труда не вытащить и рыбки из пруда.
В любви руки и глаза говорят обычно громче, чем рот. Klein, aber fein. Маленький, да удаленький; Мал золотник, да дорог. Morgen, morgen, nur nicht heute, sagen alle faulen Leute.
Не откладывай на завтра то, что можешь сделать сегодня. Кто рано встаёт, тому Бог даёт. Дуракам везёт Eine Schwalbe macht noch keinen Sommer. Одна ласточка весны не делает.
Один в поле не воин Hochmut kommt vor dem Fall. Любовь является одним из решений, а не одна из тайн этого мира. Краткость - сестра таланта. Wenn es etwas Besseres gibt als geliebt zu werden, ist es lieben.
Если есть что-нибудь лучше, чем быть любимым, это любить. Kommt Zeit, kommt Rat.
Пусть тогда он будет уничтожен. Как и сама Германия. Ведь ни она, ни народ, не достойны своего существования. Это ее неизбежный удел. Нет необходимости заниматься основой, которая потребуется народу, чтобы продолжать самое примитивное существование».
Адольф Гитлер.
Sportpalastrede — речь рейхсминистра народного просвещения и пропаганды нацистской Германии Йозефа Геббельса перед многотысячной аудиторией в Берлинском дворце спорта 18 февраля 1943 года. Речь считается одним из самых известных выступлений Геббельса и одним из самых известных и знаковых публичных выступлений политических деятелей того периода во время Второй мировой войны.
К моменту выступления Геббельса немецкая армия и её союзники потерпели ряд тяжёлых поражений на фронтах войны: была окружена и разгромлена крупная группировка вермахта под Сталинградом , в Африке велись тяжёлые бои с наступающими армиями сил антигитлеровской коалиции. В своей 109-минутной патетической речи, которая транслировалась по национальному радио в прямом эфире, Геббельс призвал немецкий народ к « тотальной войне » до победного конца.
Были проблемы с танками, которые немцы только начали разрабатывать. Но уже даже цифры первых заказов говорят много. А количество проектов, причём некоторые судя по описаниям были весьма перспективны, внушало уважение. Самое же интересное, это технический, качественный уровень германской армии к концу Первой Мировой войны.
Bevor Adolf Hitler berühmt wurde... (Teil 2)
- Цитаты Гитлера
- Новое в блогах
- Цитаты гитлера на немецком
- Национал-интеллектуал
- Adolf Hitler's words in German with English translation
- Цитаты гитлера на немецком
Полный текст заявления Гитлера от 22 июня 1941 года
What do we want from England? I offered each of them peace, more, I want to offer friendship. On the other side an old freemason, who only believes in a war, to be able to salvage his bankrupt economy, perhaps, or at least to gain time. Thus both states again stand face to face with the same foe... And then, in addition, there is still a third thing-I have mentioned it today also: in both cases they are men, two men, who have come from the people... In the last few weeks... I have read about the history of the Italian Fascist Revolution, and it seemed to me as if I had the history of my own party before me, so similar, so identical, that... And now finally the third state has joined us, another state with which we have always wanted to have good relations for the past many years.
You all know it from "Mein Kampf"-Japan. Now the three great Have-Nots are united, and now we shall see who... For, what does England want to gain? What does America want to gain? What do they want to gain? They have so much that they do not know what to do with what they have. A few persons per square kilometer need much more for all the cares which we are not the ones to have.
A single poor harvest means for our national decades plundered, exploited, crushed, and in spite of that they could not eliminate their own economic need. They have raw materials, as much as they are willing to use, and they do not complete it, with their problems actually to found something reasonable in society, to the one who has everything and the one who wants to take from the other fellow who has hardly anything practically the last thing he owns, or to the one who defends that which he honors as his last possession. Pray to God that he must send Bolshevism over Europe as a scourge. We wish only to say, "It will not come over Germany but whether it will come over England is another story. We have never done anything to England, France, we have never done anything to America. Nevertheless there follows now in the year 1939 the declaration of war, and now it has gone further. Now you must however out of my whole history understand me rightly.
One sentence unintelligible. I said: "If the war is inevitable, then I should rather be the one to conduct it not because I thirst after this fame; on the contrary, I here gladly renounce that fame, which is in my eyes no fame at all. My fame, if Providence preserves my life, will consist in... But I think that if Providence has already disposed that I can do what must be done according to the inscrutable will of the Providence, then I can at least just ask Providence to entrust to me the burden of this war, to load it on me. I will beat it! I will shrink from no responsibility; in every hour which... I will take this burden upon me.
I will bear every responsibility, just as I have always borne them. It knows that I had endless plans in those years before the war. It sees everywhere the signs of works begun, and sometimes also the documents of completion. I know that this people trusts me. I am happy to know it. But the German people may be persuaded also of one thing, that the year 1918, as long as I live, will never return. I am glad that so many allies have joined our soldiers: in Sweden, Italy, then in the north, Finland and the many other nations which are sending their sons here to the east, too,...
Rumanians and Hungarians, Slovaks, Spaniards,... Already today, a European war, and finally in the East, as a new Ally, who has already... Cripps assured us a few days ago, in his loquacious manner, has been preparing itself for a fight with Germany. I knew that. As soon as I had become certain that there was false play going on here, in the instant that I became aware that Mr. Churchill in his secret meetings was already considering this ally, within the hour in which Molotov left Berlin, and took his leave because he had been able to come to a shrewd agreement, at that moment, it became clear to me, that this conflict was inevitable. For this, too, I thank fate, that it placed me at the head of the Reich, so that I was in a position to strike the first blow.
If one must fight, then I take the stand that the first blow is the decisive one. We can only wish Japan good luck, because instead of playing around for a long time with this lying nation, it started to fight immediately. Now, our soldiers have been fighting in the East since June 22, a battle which will some day go into the chronicles of history as a hero-song of our people. He meant to drive the German U-boats out of the oceans gradually, by making new decrees of the American spheres of influence, and to limit them to a very small territory, which the British would then take care of with their naval forces. And, my fellow country-men, that is also the reason for the regression of the number of U-boat sinkings, but not at all the number of damages or sinkings by our U-boats. On the contrary, the latter has risen greatly. Also not the lack of our occupational forces, nor the impossibility of...
You will understand that it has been a vindication for myself to decide whether one should finally conclude with the whole pack of lies for the sake of peace, and to bind oneself to the new limitations... Japan has finally eliminated this necessity. Now there are U-boats on all the oceans of the world, now you will see how our submarines carry out their work, and however they may look, we are armed for everything, from North to South, from East to West. But about one thing they may be assured; as I have said before, today they are up against a different German people; now they are again up against Fredrichian people; we will fight where we stand, give no foot of ground, immediately push forward again. And we are, in fact, happy to know since yesterday that our General Rommel with his brave Italian and German panzers and men at the moment when they... That will continue to happen to them until the war has ended with our victory. With these two forces stands a third, our air-force.
Its fame is immortal. What they have accomplished in their efforts in the Arctic cold of the Far North, in the East, or in the heat of the desert, or in the West, is everywhere the same, a heroism that honors cannot glorify. There is just one thing which I must emphasize again and again; that is our infantry. And behind these forces stands a gigantic communications organization with tens of thousands of motor vehicles and railroads, and they are all going to work and will master even the hardest problems. For it is self-evident that the conversion from advance to defense in the East is not easy. It was not Russia that forced us to defense, but only 38 and 40 and 42 and sometimes 45 degrees below zero that did it. And in this cold, there, troops which are not accustomed to it cannot fight as in the red heat of the desert...
But at this time, when the difficult transition was necessary, I again looked upon it as my task to take upon my shoulders the responsibility for that, too. I wanted thereby to save my soldiers from something worse. And I want to assure them at this point, insofar as those who are on that icy front can hear me today: "I know the work you are doing. And I know also that the hardest lies behind us. Today is January 30. The winter is the big hope of the Eastern enemy. It will not fulfill this hope for him.
In four months we had fought almost to Moscow and Leningrad. Four months of Northern winter are now past. They have advanced a few kilometers at individual points and have made great sacrifices in blood and human lives there. They may be indifferent to that; but in a few weeks in the South the winter is going to break, and then the spring will move farther north, the ice will melt, and then the hour will come when the ground is again hard and firm, and when the new weapons will again flow there from our homeland, and when we shall beat them, and revenge those who now have fallen such lonely victims of the cold. For I can tell you that the soldiers at the front have the feeling of... To compare him with them would be an insult. The decisive thing now is that this transition from attack to defense be successful, and I may say that it has been.
These fronts, as you shall see, where a few individual Russians break through, and where they sometimes even believe that they are occupying localities, there are no localities, there are only ruins. What does this mean, in comparison to what we have occupied, what we are bringing in order, and what the next spring and from then on, will bring into order? Behind this front there is today a dignified German homeland. I have recently, the other day, in view of this cold weather, appealed to the German people, for everything which had been prepared for protection against the frost has not sufficed. I wanted to express gratitude to the people themselves. This appeal then was also a plebiscite. While the others talk of democracy, this is true democracy.
It has shown itself these days, when an entire people voluntarily sacrifices, and I know that so many small people, but this time also, many, many people, for whom this was difficult, and perhaps, formerly, seemed to find it impossible to part with a precious piece of fur, have today given it, with the knowledge that the most humble infantryman is of greater importance than the most costly fur. Whoever makes profits on the war in the Third Reich dies. It is not a question of the hidden clothes, the poor infantryman who, perhaps, saves his hands by having warm gloves, or could be kept from freezing by a warm vest, which some one takes from home for him. I will here stand up for the interests of the soldiers, and I know that all the German nation stands behind me in this. And this January 30th. Whether or not the war will end this year I do not know; but I do know one thing. Wherever the foe may appear, he will this year be fought as before.
It will again be a year of great victories; and even as I held the flag high before this, a all times, so I will hold it high even now; because,? My German countrymen, my soldiers. We have a full of fame and glory behind us. One likes so much to draw analogies from it. In this fight German heroes have fought in similar situations, which also seemed hopeless. We should not draw any comparisons with former times, at all. We have no right to do so.
We have the strongest army in the world. We have the strongest air-force in the world. Frederick the Great had to fight against a preponderance of power, which was just as choking in his time. As he waged the first Silesian war, he had 2,700,000 Prussians in the state of 15 million people. A man with all his willpower stood up in spite of all reverses so that he never despaired of his success, and when he despaired, he wished to pull himself together again and then take the flag in his strong hands. How do we wish to speak of that to-day? We have an opponent in front of us, who may have an immense numerical superiority, but we will rival him at least in the birthrate by spring and also in regard to weapons.
And so it will be in all things, and above all we have Allies today. It is also no more the time of the World War. What Japan is accomplishing in the East alone, is, for us, beyond evaluation. No other way remains, but the way of battle and the way of success. That way may be hard, or it may be easy. In no case, is it more difficult than the way our forefathers went. It will not be any easier from now on, and we may not expect that it should be less difficult than the task we have during the last few battles.
Thus we feel the entire sacrifice which our soldiers are making. Who can understand that better than myself, who was once a soldier, too? I look upon myself as the first Musketeer of the Reich. I know definitely that the musketeer Infantryman fulfills his duty. I fulfill my own duties also, unmistakably, and I understand all the sorrow of my comrades and know all that goes on with them. I cannot therefore use any phrase which they will misunderstand. I can only say one thing to them, the home-front knows what they have to go through.
The home-front can well imagine what it means to lie in the snow and the frost in the cold of 35, 38, 40 and 42 degrees below zero Centigrade and defend our homes for us. But, because the home-front knows it, they will all do what they can to lighten your fate. They will work, and they will continue to work, and I will demand that the German patriots at home work and produce munitions, manufacture weapons, and make more munitions and more. You remain at home, and many comrades lose their lives daily.
Бог, в которого мы верим соответствует нашим сердцам. Он пребывает в наших сердцах тогда, когда они открыты и находятся в гармонии с миром. Бог живёт в нас, потому что мы постоянно ищем свидетельства Его Силы в мире и стремимся приобщиться к ним. Разве это не требует гордости и благородного мужества, чтобы обрести Бога в себе? Разве это не требует благородной стойкости и способности — утвердить себя как человека перед Всемогущим Богом?
Мы возносим мольбу к Богу и Его мировому творениию с тем большей верой, чем более гордыми и уверенными мы ощущаем себя. Смеющийся глаз, легкий шаг, дух, который воистину способен радоваться и возвышаться, искренняя юность, неподдельная стойкость, любовь, дружба — вот заповеди, данные нам Богом. И вновь мы соглашаемся с мыслями автора, которого мы упоминали в начале и который завершает утверждение своего поэтического кредо словами, представляющими символ Веры для всех нас: «Сила Божия творится руками человеческими». Всемогущий есть наш Судья. Наша задача — исполнить наш долг так, чтобы мы смогли предстать перед Ним как Творцом всего мироздания в соответствии с данным Им законом, законом борьбы за существование. Ванюшкиной Из сборника «SS Ideology, translated from original SS publication» Когда людские сердца разбиваются от горя, а души разрываются от отчаяния, тогда из мглы прошедших времен на нас смотрят наши великие предки, не раз преодолевавшие нужду и заботу, позор и муку, духовную несвободу и физическое принуждение. Они смотрят на нас и протягивают нам, отчаявшимся смертным, свою вечную руку помощи! Горе народу, стыдящемуся опереться на нее! Речь 18.
Смысл и цель существования государства заключается в том, чтобы гарантировать народу нормальное питание и достойное место во власти. Заключительная речь 27. Доклад 27. Речь 20. Прокламация 01. Вырвавшийся на свободу революционный поток должен быть направлен в надежное русло эволюции. Речь 06. Но кардинально изменить само положение вещей может только эволюция! Прокламация 05.
Речь 07. Мы верим в то, что своей борьбой мы лишь исполняем волю Создателя, наделившего каждое живое существо инстинктом самосохранения. Да будет жить наш народ! Важно только одно — чтобы был наш народ! Речь 28. Но, если мы спасем Германию, мы сделаем самое благое дело в мире. Пусть говорят, что мы не всегда справедливы! Но, если мы спасем Германию, мы устраним величайшую несправедливость в мире. Пусть говорят, что мы не достаточно нравственны!
Но, если наш народ будет спасен, мы возродим истинную нравственность! Речь 19. Речь 01. Я всегда добросовестно старался преобразовать авторитет власти в силу доверия. И теперь я с гордостью могу признать, что подобно тому, как наша национальная социалистическая партия всегда была укоренена в нашем народе, так и теперь мы, уже в качестве правительства, всегда думаем как народ, вместе с народом и о народе! Речь 30. Речь 02. И в будущем мы будем жить так, чтобы в глазах каждого немца мы по-прежнему оставались порядочными и честными людьми.
Great Britain will put her whole strength behind them and will protect them. Today this same arch-liar says: "But we were really never in a position to carry on the war alone. Therefore they cooked up a coalition against us of world-wide extent. The methods have likewise remained the same. Promises to all those of little faith, the credulous, or stupid, who wanted to trust these promises, moreover, the attempt to allow their own interests to be represented with as much other blood as possible. This truth is connected with the second British method, that is, with the method of division. In that time that the British Empire had its origin, Germany tore herself apart. There were at that time modes of thought that we no longer understand, modes of thought of a religious kind, that unfortunately were fought out only with the sword, modes of thought that became horrible among the people, that seem insufficient to us in their inner being. Only these grievous internal struggles, that cost the German people endless blood, gave England the opportunity in this same period, to raise up a world claim, that never belonged to her either in number or in significance. Then I must always point out that it is not true that we Germans are like upstarts, but if one wants to talk about upstarts, then it is unconditionally the English and not ourselves! We have an older history, and in a time when Europe had a powerful German Empire, England was a quite insignificant, small, green island. In the last World War the possibilities of this splitting up lay in another sphere. Afterwards the religious problems did not provoke any more bloodshed, especially since the priests themselves would not have been ready any more to sacrifice their lives for these causes. We lived through it then. The parties of the right and the parties of the left, which further broke up in a dozen bourgeois aspects, in a half dozen proletarian aspects, and ever split up some more, and having begun with these parties, from the bourgeoisie of the bourgeois center up to the KPD Communist Party of Germany , succeeded this refers back to the parties of the right and left in undermining and breaking down the German people slowly from within. In spite of that, the course of the war was a glorious one. The years 1914-1918-they proved it: in which not even the opponents triumphed. A low, common revolt was plotted by Marxian-demoralizing-Liberal-Capitalistic subjects-behind all of it as a driving force was the eternal Jew. They brought Germany to its collapse at that time. Only the cowardice of the then rulers, their indecision, their halfway measures, their own uncertainty brought it on. And so the First World War could not alone be lost by the merit of our opponents, but exclusively by our own fault. The consequences of this collapse in November were not that world democracy stretched out open arms to Germany, were not the concern of others to free the German people from its burdens and to lift the German people to a higher standard of culture. For that they could have no concern at all, for they themselves had a much lower one. But the consequence was just their collapse, the most frightful one, politically and economically, that a people has ever experienced. At that time there came to us a man who has done the German people immeasurable harm, Woodrow Wilson, the man who lied with a straight face. If Germany would lay down her arms, then she would get a compassionate, an understanding peace! Then she would not lose her colonies! But the colonial problems were fixed up, all right! The man lyingly promised us that there would be a general disarmament, that we would then be accepted on equal terms among nations, peoples, etc. He lyingly promised us that then secret diplomacy would be done away with, and that we too would then enter into a new age of peace, of equality, of reason, etc.! Screams the last sentence. He was his right hand. Our German folk believed this man then. They had no idea that they were dealing here with an American President, that is, with a man who has no regard for truths; who, for example, can calmly say before an election: "I shall vote against war," and after the election can say: "I vote for war. So there came the hour then the German people got its disappointment at the moment when the German subordinate emissaries entered the car in the Compiegne forest, now known to us for the second time. And there right away came the rude question: "What are you gentlemen doing here? They said: "He who says that the intention is to take from Germany her... They said beforehand: "He who says that we want to take away part of the German people is inciting the people! They had broken all their promises! In a few months the German people sank into a state of unimaginably deep despair and despondency-starving people without hope any longer. A people that did not get its war-prisoners back, even after the armistice and peace-treaty had been signed! A people that was not given food, even after it was defenseless! A people that was now repeatedly coerced,-if one carefully studies those times-from whom re-subjection was again and again demanded, extorted by some new repression. When one reflects upon this even today, one falls even now into a state of burning hatred and rancor against a world in which anything like this is possible. Well, it was at that time, my racial comrades, when everything was broken up, when the upper leadership had faithlessly fled abroad, when others were surrendering, when the Wehrmacht had to give up its weapons, when the people disarmed themselves voluntarily,-it was at that time, when the agitation? It was such a mad determination in the eyes of those others, that my closest friends did not understand me. I found the strength for this determination only from my knowledge of the people. If, at that time, I had only known the upper ten thousand, believe me, my German people-I would not stand before you today, I would never have found courage for this thought which is capable of revolutionizing a people. I knew at that time first and all the people itself; I knew... I could not abandon that, for it would have been to betray my own comrades, who were just as badly... I have come to know the great mass of the German people, ladies and gentlemen, from living with them. And these masses have not only upheld my belief in the people, but have restored it, and constantly strengthened it through all the years since then, in the face of contrary circumstances, or when any misfortune seemed to threaten the realization of my plans. It was clear to me that this whole development, just as in the last 20 years or 30 years before the war, could lead only to collapse. But I had already formed the resolve to declare war on this whole development. That is not merely to declare: "I will get a German Wehrmacht, I will get an army or an air-force"; it was clear to me that the inner structure of the social order must be altered, so that in the dead body of our people the blood would flow again, and that society should hold firmly... I have always looked upon this undertaking as possible, as within the power of the country. But I was of the conviction that strength could only be given to a body in which the sight and the essence of the new condition was already incorporated. Therefore, I was resolved to build up a small movement, beginning with those people who should already have within themselves that which appeared later as really essential to the whole of society. And this was perhaps not so hard as I thought, inasmuch as I was already on guard against the danger of unworthy place-seekers or selfish persons joining my ranks. For whoever joined this movement in those years from 1919-23 had to be a boundless idealist. Any other kind of man would only say: "He is an utter fool. The man is mad. And I can say that of all my followers, all of them who at that time and later supported me: they had nothing to win, and everything to lose. And how much have they all lost for my sake. I have now begun this battle, first against stupidity, stupidity and inertia, under the so-called higher strata; I have begun it against the cowardice which spreads caste far and wide, the cowardice which always pretended to be cleverness and came around and said: "We must submit; we must be patient"; or, as Herr Erzberger said, "We must sign everything, we must sign everything they put before us; then they will forgive us; then it will be all right again. Often we have experienced... And we were not quiet. I then formed the program: "The German language belongs to the German. And I had at that time to fight on further against selfish? The man of the Left said to me: "You are going against my interests" or "You are going against my interests. My interests are class interests. And these class interests oblige me to slay the other fellow. We have the interests of station, we too have our interests,... Do not come in here! And above the interests which seemed to be found in station or in class, stood sic the interests which lie in the folk, in that community which cannot be torn apart, all this appears today to be so obvious a thing to get all these... One group did not want to accept this idea,... We want our old filth... Eventually you will even demand of me that I should add one... To me also it is obvious, we want... All that was thus not so simple, slowly to draw one thing after another out of this people, and how many have quite simply run away from it. It was not, indeed, my national comrades, as if every one who came to me at that time, on that account also remained with me. Many a time I had to bring fifty or sixty somewhere... All the others were gone again. And one had to begin again. I made a calculation at that time. If I win a hundred over, and have only ten remain to me, and the other ninety always leave me, then gradually they will become a hundred if I win a thousand. If I win ten thousand, they will be a thousand, and gradually the number of those who remain will grow ever larger. And if one had departed for the second or third time, perhaps, then perhaps he will be embarrassed to go the fifth time, and then he too will remain. And thus, with unbelievable patience and with perseverance and persistence I will slowly build up a group that is a majority in the German Reich itself. The others may laugh or mock as much as they wish. It does not matter. They may go against us. That does not matter; then we will defend ourselves. We will not capitulate. We will not get off the street, we will not give up our places until we... The feeling of the National Socialist is today obvious to us. However at that time, these were new ideas, new learnings, which were neither understood, nor of course, accepted by many. And another thing was added to this, a cursed tradition, in which every single... It was a fight against traditions, and also, naturally, against the elements of cultural up-bringing. Some said,... One is studied, taught, hammered in, in God knows how many homework hours, and the other is innate born and will always come to the fore, and will know how to find a following among his natural and necessary talents of leadership. It was a struggle against almost all of the things which we were accustomed to in life. Besides this, there was a fight against certain natural interests. For some, because. I do not know what is more evil, a bodily threat rather than a spiritual suppression which can perhaps break down a person even faster than a physical threat. There have been heroes who have come forward at that time. And I should like to explain something about that: These heroes have in reality continued the war of 1914-1918. One sees them yet so displayed as if they were soldiers in my eyes and their party, no, that the soldiers have been once, and indeed the best soldiers. They were the best soldiers that have ever been, who would not and could not bear the acquiescence, thus we recognize it today, that a really good National Socialist will also be always the best soldier. And now came the organized opponents also. They were first of all approximately 46 or 47 parties, who hesitated accordingly to unite together the bicyclists, or the small gardeners, or cottagers, or other people. But there were some 48 parties. An Allied Opposition. And here above all the party secretaries, their functionaries,. For where, after all, was a... You are fighting here for something that can be of no use to anyone. You will both have to get off your high horse. In the long run you cannot do without each other. And as an example he says, or he makes rejoinders, which... Where, then, do the trade-union secretaries and the syndics get? And most of all, where then do the dear Jews get, who had, indeed, their interests so much in both camps, who on the one hand directed capital, even, and on the other hand led the anti-capitalists, and often, indeed, as one family with two brothers in both camps. My dear national comrades! When at that time I began this fight, I knew very well that it was a fight against an entire condition of things, and how hard it was only my fellow-fighters can know, who realized that for me the last war had offered clear... I continued to fight when I could speak again, and I have gone up and down the country, and from city to city, and have spoken and labored again and again, always with the single thought to loose the German people from this bond, to deliver them from their lethargy, and voice is fading.
Wer sind Sie, dass Sie es wagen, sich meinen Befehlen zu widersetzen? Jeder hat mich belogen, sogar die SS! Армия мне лжет! Все мне лгут, даже СС! Was Sie da sagen, ist ungeheuerlich.
"Why We Are Antisemites" - Text of Adolf Hitler's 1920 speech at the Hofbräuhaus
Adolf Hitler - Речи | Текст песни | Подождите немного. Если воспроизведение так и не начнется, перезагрузите устройство. Welcome to Uncensor History Here at Uncensor History, we believe that all history should be free and accessible to all, regardless of how dark or evil it is. We believe that history should be preserved and. |
Цитаты адольфа гитлера на немецком с переводом - Научные работы на | Личный архитектор Гитлера Альберт Шпеер вспоминал, как Гитлеру донесли новость о побеге. |
Полный текст заявления Гитлера от 22 июня 1941 года | Die große Zeit ist jetzt angebrochen. Deutschland ist nun erwacht. Die Macht haben wir nun in Deutschland gewonnen, nun gilt es das deutsche Volk zu gewinnen. Ich weiß, obwohl die hundert tausenden von euch die ihr jetzt zuhört in ganz Deutschland das in hundertausenden von euch in. |
Did Adolf Hitler Say 'Our Movement Is Christian'? | Discover Adolf Hitler famous and rare quotes. Share military quotes by Adolf Hitler and quotations about war and lying. "Tell a lie loud enough and long enough ". |
Адольф Гитлер Фразы На Немецком Скачать mp3 | I have very often in my lifetime been a prophet and have been mostly derided. At the time of my struggle for power it was in the first instance the Jewish people who only greeted with laughter my prophecies that I would someday take over the leadership of the state and of the entire people of. |
Die Rede Adolf Hitlers – Речь Адольфа Гитлера
Adolf Hitler Speeches | The quote in a viral meme with the Nazi leader's picture read: "We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity. Our movement is Christian.". |
Высказывания адольфа гитлера. Цитаты на немецком языке с переводом | Главная» Новости» Выступление гитлера на немецком кричит. |
Цитаты гитлера на немецком | Цитаты, фразы и афоризмы на немецком с переводом.”. |
Hitler Speech: April 28, 1939 | Цитаты, приведенные ниже, собрал Вернер Мазер, автор самой полной и авторитетной биографии Гитлера. |
Знаменитый фрагмент из фильма “Der Untergang” (рус. “Бункер”) — Речь Гитлера в бункере | Hitler on the Jews, taken from the transcript of a speech given in July 1922. |
Did Adolf Hitler Say 'Our Movement Is Christian'?
Подождите немного. Если воспроизведение так и не начнется, перезагрузите устройство. Welcome to Uncensor History Here at Uncensor History, we believe that all history should be free and accessible to all, regardless of how dark or evil it is. We believe that history should be preserved and. Hitler Quotes. Here are some of the best quotes ever said by Adolf Hitler. Most of them are taken from his speeches and others from his own published writings. But unlike other sites on the Internet that maintain a similar collection of Hitler quotations, this page actually quotes the date when it was said. September 1, 1939, justifying the German invasion of Poland. Short video clip excerpt. Личный архитектор Гитлера Альберт Шпеер вспоминал, как Гитлеру донесли новость о побеге. Немецкая расовая теория привела Гитлера и его друзей к тому выводу, что немцы как единственно полноценная нация должны господствовать над другими нациями. Речь Гитлера на немецком текст.