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EURASIP Journal on Information Security is a peer-reviewed open access journal focusing on the use of signal processing tools to enhance information.

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Статьи на английском языке информационная безопасность

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Top 15 internet safety rules and what not to do online

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Security News

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Since InfoSec covers many areas, it often involves the implementation of various types of security, including application security, infrastructure security, cryptography, incident response, vulnerability management, and disaster recovery. This guide provides an in-depth look into the field of information security, including definitions as well as roles and responsibilities of CISOs and SOCs. You will also learn about common information security risks, technologies, and certifications. What Is Information Security? InfoSec, or information security, is a set of tools and practices that you can use to protect your digital and analog information. InfoSec covers a range of IT domains, including infrastructure and network security, auditing, and testing. It uses tools like authentication and permissions to restrict unauthorized users from accessing private information.

These measures help you prevent harms related to information theft, modification, or loss. Information Security vs Cybersecurity Although both security strategies, cybersecurity and information security cover different objectives and scopes with some overlap. Information security is a broader category of protections, covering cryptography, mobile computing, and social media. It is related to information assurance, used to protect information from non-person-based threats, such as server failures or natural disasters. In comparison, cybersecurity only covers Internet-based threats and digital data. Additionally, cybersecurity provides coverage for raw, unclassified data while information security does not. Together, these principles serve as the foundation that guides information security policies. Here is a brief overview of each principle: Confidentiality — information must only be available to authorized parties.

Integrity — information must remain consistent, trustworthy, and accurate. Availability — information must remain accessible to authorized parties, even during failures with minimal or no disruption. Ideally, information security policies should seamlessly integrate all three principles of the CIA triad. Together, the three principles should guide organizations while assessing new technologies and scenarios. Types of Information Security When considering information security, there are many subtypes that you should know. These subtypes cover specific types of information, tools used to protect information and domains where information needs protection. Application security Application security strategies protect applications and application programming interfaces APIs. You can use these strategies to prevent, detect and correct bugs or other vulnerabilities in your applications.

If not secured, application and API vulnerabilities can provide a gateway to your broader systems, putting your information at risk. Much of application security is based on specialized tools for application shielding, scanning and testing. These tools can help you identify vulnerabilities in applications and surrounding components. Once found, you can correct these vulnerabilities before applications are released or vulnerabilities are exploited. Application security applies to both applications you are using and those you may be developing since both need to be secured. Infrastructure security Infrastructure security strategies protect infrastructure components, including networks, servers, client devices, mobile devices, and data centers. The growing connectivity between these, and other infrastructure components, puts information at risk without proper precautions. This risk is because connectivity extends vulnerabilities across your systems.

If one part of your infrastructure fails or is compromised, all dependent components are also affected. Due to this, an important goal of infrastructure security is to minimize dependencies and isolate components while still allowing intercommunications. Cloud security Cloud security provides similar protections to application and infrastructure security but is focused on cloud or cloud-connected components and information. Cloud security adds extra protections and tools to focus on the vulnerabilities that come from Internet-facing services and shared environments, such as public clouds. It also tends to include a focus on centralizing security management and tooling. This centralization enables security teams to maintain visibility of information and information threats across distributed resources. Another aspect of cloud security is a collaboration with your cloud provider or third-party services. When using cloud-hosted resources and applications, you are often unable to fully control your environments since the infrastructure is typically managed for you.

This means that cloud security practices must account for restricted control and put measures in place to limit accessibility and vulnerabilities stemming from contractors or vendors. Endpoint Security Endpoint security helps protect end-user endpoints such as laptops, desktops, smartphones, and tablets against cyberattacks. Organizations implement endpoint security to protect devices used for work purposes, including those connected to a local network and those using cloud resources. Endpoints connecting to corporate networks become a security vulnerability that can potentially allow malicious actors to breach the network. An endpoint is essentially a potential entry point that cybercriminals can and often exploit through various techniques, like malicious software malware installed on an endpoint device to obtain control of a system or exfiltrate data. An endpoint security solution examines processes, files, and network traffic on each endpoint for indicators of malicious activity. Once the tool detects a threat, it notifies the relevant users and can perform automated responses. For example, an endpoint detection and response EDR tool can automatically respond to the threat using predetermined rules.

Endpoint security solutions can employ additional strategies to protect endpoints, such as data encryption in transit and at rest, web content filtering, and application control. Related content: Learn more in the detailed guide to endpoint security Edge Security In an increasingly connected world, edge security is becoming more important. Edge security refers to the measures taken to secure the edge of your network—the point where your network connects with the outside world. This could include your routers, firewalls, or other edge devices. Securing the network edge is crucial to prevent unauthorized access to your network and protect it from threats like cyber attacks or data breaches. This could involve measures like using secure network protocols, implementing robust firewalls, and regularly monitoring and analyzing your network traffic. Learn more in the detailed guide to edge security Cryptography Cryptography uses a practice called encryption to secure information by obscuring the contents. When information is encrypted, it is only accessible to users who have the correct encryption key.

If users do not have this key, the information is unintelligible. Security teams can use encryption to protect information confidentiality and integrity throughout its life, including in storage and during transfer. However, once a user decrypts the data, it is vulnerable to theft, exposure, or modification. To encrypt information, security teams use tools such as encryption algorithms or technologies like blockchain. Encryption algorithms, like the advanced encryption standard AES , are more common since there is more support for these tools and less overhead for use.

Endpoints connecting to corporate networks become a security vulnerability that can potentially allow malicious actors to breach the network. An endpoint is essentially a potential entry point that cybercriminals can and often exploit through various techniques, like malicious software malware installed on an endpoint device to obtain control of a system or exfiltrate data. An endpoint security solution examines processes, files, and network traffic on each endpoint for indicators of malicious activity.

Once the tool detects a threat, it notifies the relevant users and can perform automated responses. For example, an endpoint detection and response EDR tool can automatically respond to the threat using predetermined rules. Endpoint security solutions can employ additional strategies to protect endpoints, such as data encryption in transit and at rest, web content filtering, and application control. Related content: Learn more in the detailed guide to endpoint security Edge Security In an increasingly connected world, edge security is becoming more important. Edge security refers to the measures taken to secure the edge of your network—the point where your network connects with the outside world. This could include your routers, firewalls, or other edge devices. Securing the network edge is crucial to prevent unauthorized access to your network and protect it from threats like cyber attacks or data breaches. This could involve measures like using secure network protocols, implementing robust firewalls, and regularly monitoring and analyzing your network traffic.

Learn more in the detailed guide to edge security Cryptography Cryptography uses a practice called encryption to secure information by obscuring the contents. When information is encrypted, it is only accessible to users who have the correct encryption key. If users do not have this key, the information is unintelligible. Security teams can use encryption to protect information confidentiality and integrity throughout its life, including in storage and during transfer. However, once a user decrypts the data, it is vulnerable to theft, exposure, or modification. To encrypt information, security teams use tools such as encryption algorithms or technologies like blockchain. Encryption algorithms, like the advanced encryption standard AES , are more common since there is more support for these tools and less overhead for use. Incident response Incident response is a set of procedures and tools that you can use to identify, investigate, and respond to threats or damaging events.

It eliminates or reduces damage caused to systems due to attacks, natural disasters, system failures, or human error. This damage includes any harm caused to information, such as loss or theft. A commonly used tool for incident response is an incident response plan IRP. IRPs outline the roles and responsibilities for responding to incidents. These plans also inform security policy, provide guidelines or procedures for action, and help ensure that insight gained from incidents is used to improve protective measures. Vulnerability management Vulnerability management is a practice meant to reduce inherent risks in an application or system. The idea behind this practice is to discover and patch vulnerabilities before issues are exposed or exploited. The fewer vulnerabilities a component or system has, the more secure your information and resources are.

Vulnerability management practices rely on testing, auditing, and scanning to detect issues. These processes are often automated to ensure that components are evaluated to a specific standard and to ensure vulnerabilities are uncovered as quickly as possible. Another method that you can use is threat hunting , which involves investigating systems in real-time to identify signs of threats or to locate potential vulnerabilities. Learn more in the detailed guide to vulnerability assessment Disaster recovery Disaster recovery strategies protect your organization from loss or damage due to unforeseen events. For example, ransomware, natural disasters, or single points of failure. Disaster recovery strategies typically account for how you can recover information, how you can restore systems, and how you can resume operations. These strategies are often part of a business continuity management BCM plan, designed to enable organizations to maintain operations with minimal downtime. Related content: Learn more in the in-depth guide to Disaster Recovery Health Data Management Health data management HDM facilitates a systematic organization of healthcare data in digital form.

Scanning handwritten medical notes to store in a digital repository. Electronic health records EHR. In addition to organizing medical data, HDR also integrates the information to enable analysis. The goal is to make patient care efficient and help derive insights to improve medical outcomes while protecting the security and privacy of healthcare data. Successfully implemented HDM can improve the quality and quantity of health data. For example, including more relevant variables and ensuring records are up-to-date, validated, and complete for all patients can help improve data quality and increase the quantity. Since more data requires more interpretation, the dataset can grow, and deriving insights can become a complex task for healthcare providers. HDM helps take control of this data.

Related content: Learn more in the in-depth guide to Health Data Management Digital Forensics Digital forensics is the identification, collection, and analysis of electronic evidence. Almost every crime today has a digital forensic component, and digital forensic experts provide critical assistance to police investigations. Digital forensic data is often used in court proceedings. An important part of digital forensics is analyzing suspected cyberattacks to identify, mitigate, and eliminate cyberthreats. Digital forensics thus becomes an integral part of the incident response process. Digital forensics can also help provide critical information required by auditors, legal teams, and law enforcement after an attack. This role may be a stand-alone position or be included under the responsibilities of the vice president VP of security or the chief security officer CSO. The responsibilities of a CISO include managing: Security operations—includes real-time monitoring, analysis, and triage of threats.

Cyber risk and cyber intelligence—includes maintaining current knowledge of security threats and keeping executive and board teams informed of the potential impacts of risks. Data loss and fraud prevention—includes monitoring for and protecting against insider threats. Security architecture—includes applying security best practices to the acquisition, integration, and operation of hardware and software. Identity and access management—includes ensuring proper use of authentication measures, authorization measures, and privilege granting. Program management—includes ensuring proactive maintenance of hardware and software through audits and upgrades. Investigations and forensics—includes collecting evidence, interacting with authorities, and ensuring that postmortems are performed. Governance—includes verifying at all security operations operate smoothly and serving as a mediator between leadership and security operations. What Is a Security Operations Center?

SOCs serve as a unified base from which teams can detect, investigate, respond to, and recover from security threats or vulnerabilities.

Footage shows how Ms Cox filmed the guard at his desk as an argument erupted between the pair. As she turned her back on him, Mr Ayan responded with a sucker punch that left the schoolteacher sprawled on the ground writhing in pain, with the guard seen walking away remorselessly.

Internet Safety Posters for Schools

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What Is Information Security? Goals, Types and Applications

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Top 15 internet safety rules and what not to do online

Hybrid SOCs can enable organizations to maintain a higher level of control and visibility without sacrificing security. The downside of these centers is that costs are often higher than virtual SOCs and coordination can be challenging. Common Information Security Risks In your daily operations, many risks can affect your system and information security. Some common risks to be aware of are included below.

Social engineering attacks Social engineering involves using psychology to trick users into providing information or access to attackers. Phishing is one common type of social engineering, usually done through email. In phishing attacks, attackers pretend to be trustworthy or legitimate sources requesting information or warning users about a need to take action.

For example, emails may ask users to confirm personal details or log in to their accounts via an included malicious link. If users comply, attackers can gain access to credentials or other sensitive information. Advanced persistent threats APT APTs are threats in which individuals or groups gain access to your systems and remain for an extended period.

Attackers carry out these attacks to collect sensitive information over time or as the groundwork for future attacks. APT attacks are performed by organized groups that may be paid by competing nation-states, terrorist organizations, or industry rivals. Insider threats Insider threats are vulnerabilities created by individuals within your organization.

In the case of accidental threats, employees may unintentionally share or expose information, download malware , or have their credentials stolen. With intentional threats, insiders intentionally damage, leak, or steal information for personal or professional gain. Cryptojacking Cryptojacking, also called crypto mining , is when attackers abuse your system resources to mine cryptocurrency.

Attackers typically accomplish this by tricking users into downloading malware or when users open files with malicious scripts included. Some attacks are also performed locally when users visit sites that include mining scripts. Attackers can perform these attacks manually or through botnets, networks of compromised devices used to distribute request sources.

The purpose of a DDoS attack is to prevent users from accessing services or to distract security teams while other attacks occur. Ransomware Ransomware attacks use malware to encrypt your data and hold it for ransom. Typically, attackers demand information, that some action be taken, or payment from an organization in exchange for decrypting data.

Depending on the type of ransomware used, you may not be able to recover data that is encrypted. In these cases, you can only restore data by replacing infected systems with clean backups. Related content: Learn more in the in-depth guide to Malware Protection Man-in-the-middle MitM attack MitM attacks occur when communications are sent over insecure channels.

During these attacks, attackers intercept requests and responses to read the contents, manipulate the data, or redirect users. There are multiple types of MitM attacks, including: Session hijacking—in which attackers substitute their own IP for legitimate users to use their session and credentials to gain system access. IP spoofing—in which attackers imitate trusted sources to send malicious information to a system or request information back.

Eavesdropping attacks—in which attackers collect information passed in communications between legitimate users and your systems. Related content: Learn more in the in-depth guide to Cybersecurity Attacks Information Security Technologies Creating an effective information security strategy requires adopting a variety of tools and technologies. Most strategies adopt some combination of the following technologies.

Firewalls Firewalls are a layer of protection that you can apply to networks or applications. These tools enable you to filter traffic and report traffic data to monitoring and detection systems. Firewalls often use established lists of approved or unapproved traffic and policies determining the rate or volume of traffic allowed.

This aggregation of data enables teams to detect threats more effectively, more effectively manage alerts, and provide better context for investigations. SIEM solutions are also useful for logging events that occur in a system or reporting on events and performance. You can then use this information to prove compliance or to optimize configurations.

This includes categorizing data, backing up data, and monitoring how data is shared across and outside an organization. For example, you can use DLP solutions to scan outgoing emails to determine if sensitive information is being inappropriately shared. These tools evaluate traffic and alert on any instances that appear suspicious or malicious.

These solutions respond to traffic that is identified as suspicious or malicious, blocking requests or ending user sessions. You can use IPS solutions to manage your network traffic according to defined security policies. User behavioral analytics UBA UBA solutions gather information on user activities and correlate those behaviors into a baseline.

Solutions then use this baseline as a comparison against new behaviors to identify inconsistencies. The solution then flags these inconsistencies as potential threats. For example, you can use UBA solutions to monitor user activities and identify if a user begins exporting large amounts of data, indicating an insider threat.

Blockchain cybersecurity Blockchain cybersecurity is a technology that relies on immutable transactional events. In blockchain technologies, distributed networks of users verify the authenticity of transactions and ensure that integrity is maintained. While these technologies are not yet widely used, some companies are beginning to incorporate blockchain into more solutions.

Endpoint detection and response EDR EDR cybersecurity solutions enable you to monitor endpoint activity, identify suspicious activity, and automatically respond to threats. These solutions are intended to improve the visibility of endpoint devices and can be used to prevent threats from entering your networks or information from leaving. EDR solutions rely on continuous endpoint data collection, detection engines, and event logging.

Extended Detection and Response XDR XDR is a collection of technologies that help security teams improve the effectiveness of their threat detection efforts and the speed of their investigation and response. XDR combines data from all layers of the IT environment, including networks, email, endpoints, IoT devices, cloud workloads, identity systems, and servers, and enriches the sources with threat intelligence to detect evasive, sophisticated threats. Since XDR solutions are cloud-based, organizations can implement them for heterogeneous, distributed IT environments.

These turn-key solutions immediately provide value and help improve the productivity of security teams. These technologies enable you to scan configurations, compare protections to benchmarks, and ensure that security policies are applied uniformly. Often, CSPM solutions provide recommendations or guidelines for remediation that you can use to improve your security posture.

A VPN creates a tunnel between the network and a remote user. It secures traffic flowing across the tunnel by encrypting it.

Password managers help users create strong passwords, store them in a digital vault which is protected by a single master password and retrieve them when logging into accounts online. Enable multi-factor authentication where you can Multifactor authentication MFA is an authentication method that asks users to provide two or more verification methods to access an online account.

Answers to personal security questions. A fingerprint or other biometric information, such as voice or face recognition. Multifactor authentication decreases the likelihood of a successful cyberattack. You can also consider using a third-party authenticator app, such as Google Authenticator or Authy, to help with your internet security.

Keep software and operating systems updated Developers are constantly working to make products safe, monitoring the latest threats and rolling out security patches in case of vulnerabilities in their software. By using the latest versions of your operating systems and apps, you will benefit from the latest security patches. This is especially important for apps that contain payment, health or other sensitive information about a user. Other trust signals include: Text which is free from spelling and grammar mistakes — reputable brands will make an effort to ensure their websites are well-written and proofread.

Ads that feel organic and are not too overpowering. No sudden changes in color or theme. In some cases, where users have interacted with a particular website and returned to a familiar page from a link, subtle color or design changes might indicate forgery. The accepted standards of online payments — legitimate ecommerce websites use credit or debit card portals or PayPal, only.

If a website is using another form of digital money transfer to accept payments, it is probably fraudulent. Review your privacy settings and understand privacy policies Marketers love to know all about you, and so do hackers. Both can learn a lot from your browsing and social media usage. But you can take charge of how much information third-parties can access.

Both web browsers and mobile operating systems have settings to protect your privacy online. Social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, amongst others, have privacy-enhancing settings that you can activate. However, bear in mind that even if your settings are set to private, very little data online is totally private.

Каждый классный коллектив получил красочную памятку о правилах безопасного поведения на английском языке, которую подготовили четвероклассники для учащихся своей школы, для зарубежных гостей и друзей по переписке. Выступление очень понравилось и школьникам, и педагогам, а в заключении выступила ветеран пожарной охраны Дегарева Г. Все вместе школьники исполнили песню на английском языке о лете и каникулах. Так что правила безопасности повторили даже те зрители, которые никогда не изучали английского языка.

The aim of this poster is to make children think twice before they send pictures. You can download this poster below. You can download the poster below.

It shows a stereotypical image of a robber, stealing from a computer — comparing staying logged in to leaving your front door wide open. Log Out Poster Need a Course? Our Online Safety and Harms Course will help you understand the potential online risks and harms children face, to recognise signs that might indicate online harm or abuse and to effectively address online safety in school. Password Safety Poster for Children Computer security is important for everyone for a variety of reasons, such as to avoid your accounts being hacked or having strangers gain access to your personal information and documents. Children should be taught the importance of computer security at a young age, so that they can protect themselves online and carry this knowledge through into their adult lives.

О безопасности - на английском?!

Disgraced ex-NY Gov. April 27, 2024 1:02am The man was pronounced dead at the scene. Peter Meijer R-Mich.

This means not telling strangers your full name, where you live, your phone number, or where you go to school. Safe Passwords A good way to protect your information is by using safe passwords. Think of a password like a key to your online room. Make sure your password is hard to guess. But not all of them are safe. Some can be tricks to take your information or put bad software on your computer. Be cautious when talking to strangers online.

They might not be who they say they are. Using Social Media Wisely Social media is a place to connect with friends and have fun. But, be smart about what you post. Once something is on the internet, it can be there forever, even if you delete it. This could be a parent, teacher, or an older sibling.

Commerce risks — risks with a financial implication. Social media can bring risks of child on child abuse, including bullying and harmful sexual behaviour, accessing inappropriate content and grooming, amongst others.

Groomers often use social media to target children. Grooming is when somebody builds an emotional connection with a child and gains their trust for the purpose of abuse, including sexual abuse online or in person , sexual or criminal exploitation, or radicalisation. Therefore, teaching children the importance of social media safety is essential. It shows a child taking a picture of themselves and sending it to someone else. This person then screenshots the image and shares it around, before it eventually ends up with a suspicious looking character. The aim of this poster is to make children think twice before they send pictures.

Это около 300 блогов и подкастов об информационной безопасности. Отличительная черта — более технический, практический подход к освещению актуальных вопросов ИБ и кибербезопасности. Форма контроля — зачет в 5, 6, 7 семестрах и экзамен в 8 семестре. Сборники рассылаются по ведущим библиотекам России. Сборник статей регистрируется в наукометрической базе РИНЦ Российский индекс научного цитирования и публикуется на сайте электронной библиотеки Elibrary. Публикации принимаются на русском или английском языке название, аннотация и сведения об авторах на русском и английском языках. Приглашаем к участию в конференции научных и практических работников, преподавателей образовательных учреждений, докторантов, аспирантов, соискателей и студентов в соавторстве с научным руководителем или с размещением статьи в специальном разделе. No related posts.

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Ash and slag wastes are the source of negative impact on the environment. This area is studied by a number of researchers. The article aims to systematize the data on possible applications, accumulated practical experience of using ash and slag waste in agriculture both in Russia and abroad. The analysis showed that waste from the fuel and energy industry can be widely used in various areas of agriculture. It can be used as ameliorants, zeolite-based mineral fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides for treating horticultural crops, microfertilizers, as well as for soil remediation and land reclamation. The use of ash and slag waste in agriculture and other sectors of the national economy can reduce the ecological load on the environment.

December 22, 2020 From ransomware attacks that crippled hospitals, to espionage attacks targeting COVID-19 vaccine supply chain, Beau Woods discusses the top healthcare security risks.

October 28, 2020 How a retail sector reeling from COVID-19 can lock down their online systems to prevent fraud during the upcoming holiday shopping spike.

You can also buy a firewall from your local computer store to allow you to choose who does and does not access your computer. Although, your personal information should be concealed from the internet, it is not the most dangerous thing out there. Young children should be monitored at all times when accessing the internet.

AOL is a good internet service to have with young children. AOL offers many parent control options to ensure that your child does not view items on the internet less than appropriate for them.

Emails, which may be sent daily or less frequently, may include marketing elements. We will not share your email address with any third parties. You can unsubscribe whenever you want. About our Russia news Latest breaking Russia news, including updates on the invasion of Ukraine, in a live news feed aggregated from mainstream, alternative and independent sources.

Essay on Internet Safety

It is also known as the super information highway because it is the number one source that people of all ages turn to. The internet is especially a good source of communication between family across the country or even over seas. There are a whole lot of good sides to the internet, but what I come here to talk about is the dangers of the internet and what you can do to ensure the safety of you and your family. As technology improves, more and more people begin to play with computers, exploring the possibilities. As the people become more and more curious to what the limits are with computers, they begin to break those rules and steal information from other computers on the internet.

Truman in 1952. Between then and the end of the Cold War, it became the largest of the U.

SCS collection tactics allegedly encompass "close surveillance, burglary, wiretapping, [and] breaking and entering". The NSA is entrusted with providing assistance to, and the coordination of, SIGINT elements for other government organizations—which are prevented by Executive Order from engaging in such activities on their own. According to the leaked documents, the NSA intercepts and stores the communications of over a billion people worldwide, including United States citizens. Congress declared war on Germany in World War I. A code and cipher decryption unit was established as the Cable and Telegraph Section, which was also known as the Cipher Bureau. On July 5, 1917, Herbert O.

Yardley was assigned to head the unit. At that point, the unit consisted of Yardley and two civilian clerks.

Luckily, there is a security guard at the front door of the apartment. К счастью, у входной двери в квартиру стоит охранник. Но это же слово описывает усилия по защите безопасности страны. Отдельные лица, компании и правительства вводят меры кибербезопасности Cybersecurity , чтобы предотвратить возможность внедрения вредоносных программ в компьютерные системы через Интернет. Вот один пример: Cybersecurity helps stop enemies from stealing private information.

Just like in the real world, not everyone online is a friend. Conclusion Staying safe on the internet is important. Keep your personal information a secret, use strong passwords, be kind, and stay away from strangers. Remember to talk to an adult if anything online makes you feel uncomfortable or scared. When we use the internet, we share information about ourselves, sometimes without knowing it. Keeping Personal Information Private One key part of staying safe online is to keep your personal information private. This means not telling strangers your full name, where you live, your phone number, or where you go to school. Safe Passwords A good way to protect your information is by using safe passwords. Think of a password like a key to your online room. Make sure your password is hard to guess. But not all of them are safe. Some can be tricks to take your information or put bad software on your computer.

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