Новости класс паладин днд

Классы. Фильтр. Part of our D&D 5E Basic Build Series, this Paladin uses the Oath of Devotion to add additional party protection in the form of charm immunity. Here you can find the details of the D&D Paladin level up process, in particular the new abilities, feats and character’s stats changes.

D&D Paladin Level Up – a step by step guide (5e)

In this Paladin DnD 5E guide, we’ll train you on your options as a Paladin, as well as supportive choices you can make to build your character to achieve what you want. Create a better PALADIN using the Color Pie System for your next DnD Campaign. This Guide is designed to help with designing more robust backstories and motivations for your Paladin. While Jadina was training to become a paladin, her father told her that it would be dangerous to travel any farther than from Gilderdrip without being instructed first by a paladin sage or an experienced paladin. Многие паладины преданы богам добра, но сила паладина происходит скорее от собственного стремления к справедливости, чем от божества. Главная» Новости» Paladin dnd.

Paladin 5e Guide: What Are The Paladins in DnD 5E?

Пожалуй, классы являются самым сложным аспектом DnD 5e, поскольку для полного понимания их механик нужно усвоить огромное количество информации. Особенности и способности нового класса D&D Paladin. Ключевые изменения Паладина в этом игровом тесте — это прежде всего переработка и изменение существующего материала, в том числе найденного в предыдущих материалах Unearthed Arcana. Это наш гайд по классу Паладина в ДнД. Paladin Armor, Half Elf Dnd, Dnd Elves, Medieval Fantasy, Dnd Paladin, Fantasy Clothing. In this Paladin 5E guide, we’ll stick to the core aspects of Paladins, their role, abilities, spells and answer all of your questions about this class. Тогда, возможно, класс паладин в DnD именно для вас!

Как отыграть паладина в D&D 5e

To build a dwarf paladin tank in DnD 5e, try this. D&D 5e Paladin Oath subclasses ranked and rated! Paladins get unique spells, auras, and other features, but which ones are best? Главная» Новости» Paladin dnd. Каждый D&Dигрок знает, что класс паладина в значительной степени определяется следованием набору правил как законно-добрый персонаж, но это делает ролевую игру скучной с персонажем-адвокатом правил во вселенной.

Paladin 5e Class Guide for Dungeons and Dragons

As an action, the Paladin can use Divine Sense to detect any celestial, fiend, or undead within 60ft. This can also be used to find consecrated and desecrated areas as well. The Paladin can heal hitpoints equal to 5x their Paladin level. The Paladin can transfer as many hitpoints as they want from that total. The Paladin can also use 5 of their healing points to instead cure a disease or neutralize poison. Each one adds a slightly different bonus but is specialized towards a particular combat style. Fighting Style bonuses do not stack. They can still have a shield or a spell focus in the other hand and still get the bonus. Great Weapon Fighting: Can reroll damage rolls on a 1 or 2 when using a 2-handed attack with a weapon with the versatile or 2-handed trait.

Также божественный страж получает несколько бонусных фитов, связанных с защитой. Божественный охотник Divine Hunter из Ultimate Combat: паладин, ориентированный на дистанционный бой.

Вместо владения тяжёлыми доспехами получает бонусные стрелковые фиты, вместо паладинской лошади получает возможность добавить силы стрелковому или метательному оружию. Способен совершать возложение рук на дистанции. Вместо ауры храбрости даёт союзникам вокруг чувство относительных позиций, так что они никогда не заслоняют друг другу линию стрельбы. Может тратить применения своей способности карать зло, чтобы дать союзникам вокруг возможность стрелять точнее. Закатный рыцарь Dusk Knight из Blood of Shadows: паладин, ориентированный на действия в темноте. Получает навык маскировки вместо умения разбираться в чувствах окружающих. Способность карать зло у него вместо добавочного урона делает паладина хуже различимым для цели. Наложением рук может давать союзникам и себе способность видеть во тьме. Сам постепенно обретает всё лучшее зрение в темноте на высоких уровнях - даже магической и умение сражаться вслепую вместо способности обзавестись паладинским скакуном. Его доспехи не мешают ему красться бесшумно в темноте и при тусклом свете.

Рыцарь эмпиреев Empyreal Knight из Ultimate Combat: паладин, получающий подобие способностей ангела. С ростом уровня получает всё большую долю сопротивлений и некоторых из знаковых способностей ангелов включая, например, способность говорить с любым владеющим речью существом на его языке. Вместо наложения рук получает возможность призывать союзников- небожителей. Его паладинский скакун становится небесным существом и получает способность летать. Сам паладин на максимальном уровне становится ангелоподобным outsider -ом c крыльями, которого, однако, можно воскрешать. Силовик Enforcer из Divine Anthology: паладин, чьи способности направлены не против зла, а против хаоса и беззакония. Просветлённый паладин Enlightened Paladin из Inner Sea Combat: паладин со способностями монаха , связанный не паладинским кодексом, а тягой к совершенству и просветлению. Не владеет доспехами кроме лёгких, но имеет часть способностей монаха по рукопашному бою. Вместо паладинской лошади усиливает свой удар голыми руками. Получает запас энергии ци и вместо чувства зла может чувствовать других её обладателей.

Вместо способности карать зло может выбирать врага персональной целью и получать бонусы к атаке по нему и защите от него. Получает способности, связанные с перебросом кубиков и иммунитетом к принуждению к подобному со стороны вражеских способностей. Охотник на призраков Ghost Hunter из Occult Adventures: специалист по борьбе с призраками.

Paladins can use simple weapons clubs and maces and martial weapons swords and axes. Paladins are best using melee weapons. Paladins can use ranged weapons, but it is not recommended. What saving throws are Paladins proficient in?

Wisdom and Charisma. What skills do Paladins have? When creating a Paladin, you can choose two special skills. For example, a devout and charismatic Paladin might choose Persuasion and Religion as his special skills. What equipment do Paladins start with? What special abilities do Paladins have? In addition to their other skills, Paladins start with two special abilities.

Divine Sense What is Divine Sense you ask? Likewise, they can also sense powerful good forces nearby. Paladins can use Divine Sense as an action to detect celestial , fiend, or undead beings within 60ft. Paladins have a pool of divine power in them that can be used to heal wounds. The pool can also be used to cure diseases. Your pool will replenish after a long rest. Leveled up abilities As Paladins advance, they will gain more special abilities.

What is the Paladin Sacred Oath? At the 3rd level, Paladins take a Sacred Oath. This commits your character to the holy quest they are on as well as giving them special Oath Spells. There are three Sacred Oaths to choose from in 5e. Each oath has specific tenets, spells, and abilities. Paladins who take the Oath of Devotion are sometimes known as holy warriors or white knights. They are committed to the highest ideals of justice and virtue.

What are the tenets of the Oath of Devotion? The tenets of the Oath of Devotion are rooted in justice, virtue, and order. These are: Honesty: You cannot lie or cheat Courage: You are never too afraid to act Compassion: You help others, show mercy, and protect those who cannot protect themselves Honor: You treat all fairly and do as much good as possible Duty: You feel a strong sense of duty to those you protect and those you follow What are the Oath of Devotion spells? Every few levels, Paladins get new spells based on their oath. At lower levels, you can cast protection from evil and good, sanctuary , lesser restoration , and zone of truth. Other Oath of Devotion abilities The Oath of Devotion offers several other abilities depending on your level. The weapon will also emit a bright light and become magical useful against monsters who only take damage from magical weapons.

Turn Undead: Hold up your Holy Symbol and chant a prayer.

Но всегда можно выбрать два навыка из этого списка: Атлетика, Запугивание, Медицина, Проницательность, Религия, Убеждение Лучшие предыстории для паладина Предыстория персонажа - это важная часть его характера и мотивации. Некоторые предыстории особенно подходят для паладинов. Это может быть заслугами в бою, спасением мирных жителей или выполнением заданий для церкви. Ваш персонаж навсегда останется верен своей миссии и будет бороться со злом во имя блага своих союзников и народа.

Орден может быть связан с церковью или правительством. Ваш персонаж обязан следовать кодексу рыцаря, который включает в себя честь, добродетель и борьбу со злом. Он обладает хорошими манерами, образован и вежлив.

Всё о классе Паладина в ДнД!

DnD 5. История знакомства. Нам не страшен паладин An in-depth guide for the Dungeons & Dragons Paladin character class covering optimisation of skills, weapons, features, and abilities in D&D 5e.
Руководство по 5-ой редакции Dungeons & Dragons для начинающих: Часть 4, Классы. Тогда, возможно, класс паладин в DnD именно для вас!
Все изменения класса паладина D&D 5E (2024 г.) Некоторые персонажи этого класса не считают себя настоящими паладинами до того как они получат 3 уровень и не дадут эту клятву.
Paladin Class Color Guide For DnD Пожалуй, классы являются самым сложным аспектом DnD 5e, поскольку для полного понимания их механик нужно усвоить огромное количество информации.
D&D 5E Basic Build Series: Paladin Многие паладины преданы богам добра, но сила паладина происходит скорее от собственного стремления к справедливости, чем от божества.

Best Race for a paladin in 5e DnD [Ranked]

She will never knowingly associate with chaotic characters, nor will she continue an association with someone who consistently offends her moral code. This includes remaining in a group in which she is not equal or superior to the highest-level member A despot can adventure or associate with those of equal level, although doing so makes her more uncomfortable and irritable than normal. A despot may only accept henchmen, followers, or cohorts who are lawful evil. Despot Spell List Despots choose their spells from the following list: 1st Level: Alarm, bane, bless, curse water, command, cure light wounds, detect poison, divine favor, endure elements, magic weapon, profane weapon, protection from chaos, protection from good, resistance, virtue. Detect Undead Lightbringer paladins are little different from standard paladins, and share the same compassion to pursue good, the will to uphold law, and the power to defeat evil. However, the lightbringer paladin has made it her specialization to seek out and destroy undead, seeing them as the penultimate manifestation of evil in the world.

Level: 1st. Replaces: Detect evil. Benefit: A lightbringer paladin can use this ability at will. This is a divination effect similar to a detect evil spell, except that it finds undead only of any alignment. At the moment the paladin uses the ability, she knows if there are any undead within a chosen 60-degree arc, knows the exact number , and knows their exact location.

This ability is the equivalent of a 2nd-level spell. It is a spell-like ability. Divine Counterspell Although the ability to turn undead is arguably a defining cleric characteristic, some clerics and paladins find that they can be even more effective crusaders by opposing evil spellcasters. The ability to negate an enemy spellcasters magic grants a character an unexpected edge.

Informational discussions and presentations that explore the powerful options available to players and DMs. This build requires a minimum Paladin level of 2, and the first level should be taken in Paladin. This character is primarily considered a melee character to utilize the strength-based abilities of the Paladin including smite and heavy armor. Charisma is a highly favored ability score, since both Paladin and Warlock spells and abilities use this score. Constitution, as usual, is extremely important for survival. At level 3 and further, levels should be put in Warlock, taking melee option abilities as you level.

You gain access to these spells at the levels specified in the oath description. Once you gain access to an oath spell, you always have it prepared. Channel Divinity Your oath allows you to channel divine energy to fuel magical effects. Each Channel Divinity option provided by your oath explains how to use it. When you use your Channel Divinity, you choose which option to use. You must then finish a short or long rest to use your Channel Divinity again. Some Channel Divinity effects require saving throws. When you use such an effect from this class, the DC equals your paladin spell save DC. Ability Score Improvement When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. Extra Attack Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. You must be conscious to grant this bonus. At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet. Improved Divine Smite By 11th level, you are so suffused with righteous might that all your melee weapon strikes carry divine power with them. Whenever you hit a creature with a melee weapon, the creature takes an extra 1d8 radiant damage. If you also use your Divine Smite with an attack, you add this damage to the extra damage of your Divine Smite. Cleansing Touch Beginning at 14th level, you can use your action to end one spell on yourself or on one willing creature that you touch. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier a minimum of once. You regain expended uses when you finish a long rest. Sacred Oaths Becoming a paladin involves taking vows that commit the paladin to the cause of righteousness, an active path of fighting wickedness.

As an action, you can make melee spell attack against a creature within reach. On a hit, you can draw power from the pool to cause damage to that creature, up to the maximum amount remaining in your pool. The damage is necrotic. Alternatively, you can expend 5 points from your pool of harm to inflict the target with poison. The target is poisoned until the end of your next turn. At 17th level, you can spend 85 points from your pool to cast contagion. This feature has no effect on constructs. Undead creatures regain hit points with this feature, instead of taking damage. Pact Magic[ edit ] At 2nd level, your arcane research and the magic bestowed on you by your vile patron have given you the ability to cast spells. Spell Slots The Anti-Paladin table shows how many spell slots you have. The table also shows what the level of those slots is; all of your spell slots are the same level. To cast one of your Anti-Paladin spells of 1st level or higher, you must expend a spell slot. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a short or long rest. For example, when you are 5th level, you have two 2nd-level spell slots.

Paladin Handbook: DnD 5th Edition Class Guide – RPGBOT

Paladin 5E Class Guide for Dungeons and Dragons | SkullSplitter Dice Это прекрасная способность делающая паладина тем самым классом с «огого критами» которого так любят и уважают.
14 способов создать сверхсильного паладина в Dungeons and Dragons ›RULEBOOKS/WC5E/WC5E Paladin.
Best Race for a paladin in 5e DnD [Ranked] Паладин — один из часто встречающихся классов в ролевых играх, представляющий из себя воина веры.
Paladin NPCs & How to Use Them for EVERY Tier of Play The Dragonborn Paladin is an iconic class and race combination in DnD 5e. We take a look at why it's so good, and how to build it yourself.
The Ultimate D&D 5E Paladin Class Guide (2024) А на восьмом сбросить класс и взять 2 уровня паладина и 6 барда.

Руководство по 5-ой редакции Dungeons & Dragons для начинающих: Часть 4, Классы.

So what common thread do we see across each paladin no matter the oath, well save for the oath breaker. Well that key, which will decide our core color, is that of dedication, discipline and moral absolution. The Paladin no matter what it chosen to focus on is a character who devotes its life to a cause, more so than many other classes, whereas the class in most cases is supplementary to the character it is the opposite for the Paladin. They are their cause and every action they take reflects the oath they have chosen. These key features tell us a lot about who the Paladin is and what its core color would be, a color who is also defined by these same descriptors. Pulling up the card we can that they have chosen White, and this is another case where I wholeheartedly agree.

As I said each word used to describe the base of the Paladin describes core aspects of White. We saw White show up in our Cleric video and yet both represent different sides of the color. For the Cleric this color denotes service to a higher power, and whites proclivity to gravitate towards religion. In the case of the Paladin, it keys into ideas of strict morality, resolve, and justice. White is the color who often works in absolutes, seeing the worlds as black and white.

They hold themselves and the world around them to a code of conduct, often through laws or judgment. White is shrewd in its outlook and enacts its ideals as the literal and only law. This can lead to both truly heroic and selfless characters or that of authoritarian and oppressive ones. I believe that the Paladin can be built in both ways, even through oaths which are outwardly facing as good. This absolute mindset and devoted nature is why White matches so well with the Paladin.

To start off I want to take our core color and add in Red to see what sort of Paladin is bread from these colors influences. Coloring their view of the world around them, and vengeance can seem like the only outlet for such emotions. Not just vengeance on those who did them wrong, but against all who act with hate towards others. It is an act of violence against those who do wrong to the weak and judgment handed out is this characters only recourse. What I mean is that there are those are acted upon by ruthless external forces who are unable to stand up to such aggressors and the oath of vengeance paladin is there to fill in that role, by being that act of recourse for those unable to do so, placing fear in the heart of those who bring fear to others.

In the case of our White Red character they had felt the hand of an evil force mar their view of the world and vowed that such horrific actions should never go unpunished. They found that the sword, shield and divine magic were tools they could use to enact vengeance on the behalf of others, for those who could not stand up for themselves.

The ability to make Opportunity Attacks when enemies move into your reach gives you a good way to use your Reaction consistently, especially if you use things like Compelled Duel to motivate enemies to attack you. You can even get away with using a quarterstaff or spear and a shield spear was added in errata in 2018. The largest damage die d12 , yields an average of 2 extra damage per turn. The reaction option also makes things like Fighting Style: Protection redundant. Sharpshooter PHB : Paladins are terrible at ranged combat. Skilled PHB : You can get all the skills you need from your race, class, and background. Slasher TCoE : The speed reduction is a great way to keep enemies from escaping you.

Advantage on your save to maintain Concentration is a solid bonus for Paladins since many very effective buffs require Concentration, but I would consider Resilient before you consider this. If you can pick up a Cantrip like Booming Blade or Word of Radiance, this becomes considerably more interesting. Paladin Weapons This section covers weapons which specifically appeal to the Paladin. For more advice on choosing weapons, including those not addressed here, see our Practical Guide to Weapons. Get a polearm. Works best when combined with Polearm Master and Sentinel. Javelin: Likely your go-to ranged option. Rapier: Go-to option for finesse builds. Paladin Armor Chain Mail: Starting armor.

Studded Leather: Armor for finesse builds. For more on multiclassing, see our Practical Guide to Multiclassing. If you do go this route, consider starting with a level of fighter to get proficiency in Constitution saving throws. It will advance your spellcasting twice as fast as Paladin levels, and a single level gets you cantrips and access to the 1st-level abilities of a sorcerous origin. Warlock: A common, popular, and effective option. Though other patrons have plenty to offer, Hexblade is simply too good to pass up.

Vow of Enmity: Here we go! Starting a boss fight?

You have advantage against him. Relentless Avenger: Slower enemies will have a hard time getting away from you. Consider taking Polearm Master to further increase your threat radius and keep chasing them down. Soul of Vengeance: An extra attack each round against your target of Vow of Enmity greatly increases your damage output. Avenging Angel: Flight for an hour a day is pretty rad. The fear aura will hold lesser foes at bay while you take on the big bad, preventing you from being swarmed. All the abilities are great, but only apply in certain situations. If your campaign setting calls for it, this is one of the strongest paladin subclasses.

However, in a vacuum when compared to the others, it underperforms. Oath Spells: A wide variety of spells that are mostly situational or overlap with other party roles. Ahead of a fight with casters, this is a solid buff, but otherwise it wastes an action you would otherwise use smiting. Abjure the Extraplanar: Situational. Aura of the Sentinel: An initiative boost for entering combat in tight formation. Vigilant Rebuke: Situational. Good against some casters. This Sacred Oath is more important for villainous archetypes than the others and gives an evil-aligned campaign a solid tank option.

Oathbreaker paladins are free to pursue dark goals, or accompany some more roguish characters, such as a party of warlocks, bards, and rogues, on adventures. Oath Spells: Some of the options are bad and will never be used, but there are a few gems on this list. Go from being outnumbered to an overwhelming force in the blink of an eye. As long as you have the materials prepared ahead of time, your reinforcements can arrive when you most need them. Use it to animate a dead body to kill enemies and animate them tomorrow for a never-ending cycle. Confusion is unreliable compared to other single-target enchantment spells like Hold Person, given the randomness of its effect. Touch a target in a crowd and watch them deteriorate before confronting them for the kill. Dominate Person is a powerful way to temporarily gain an extra party member.

Control Undead is on theme, but less relevant. Control Undead: Rather than turning undead, you can redirect them. This only works on minor threats, however, as any serious undead threat is going to be too powerful for you to control. Putting a swath of creatures into a frightened panic in your presence allows your allies to mop them up relatively easily. The damage bonus will stack considerably. Supernatural Resistance: Resistance to nonmagical damage makes you very difficult to kill when facing down minor enemies. Dread Lord: This ability does a ton of damage. Using it in conjunction with your channel divinity will allow you to chase enemies down and cause psychic damage to them, get an extra attack, and also take your normal attack.

Animal Handling: Nature paladins and those who engage in mounted combat should grab this skill when available. Arcana: Divine casters usually take Religion over Arcana. Athletics: Strength is one of your main stats. Deception: Paladins are straight-talking Lawful Good guys, but they do have Charisma as a main stat… History: Not terribly important Insight: The one Wisdom skill you should concern yourself with. Intimidation: Another great Charisma skill for you. Investigation: Not your strong suit. Perception: Spot enemies sneaking up on you. Performance: Not your job.

Persuasion: This is your most important skill. Sweet talk your way out of or into anywhere. Stealth: Not another Dexterity skill… Survival: Nature paladins only. Backgrounds Acolyte: Thematically this might make sense, as you get two skills off the paladin skill list, but neither are very useful given your ability score priorities. Versatile, but not ideal. Criminals are evil. Entertainer: bad skills for a heavily armored tank. Faction AgentSCAG: A fantastic choice, given the versatility in skill selection, and two bonus languages along with 15 GP, which happens to be the most of any background.

Though they do make you more balanced. FisherGoS: Neither skill provided by this background is terribly relevant for Paladins. However, there are better backgrounds for that particular archetype. Hermit: Medicine and Religion are your two most useful class skills. MarineGoS: In a sea-faring campaign, this is the perfect background. Vehicle proficiency helps you contribute to the crew. Two great skills off your list, vehicle proficiency, and a feature that helps advance the plot if your DM is clever about it. Noble: History is less useful than religion for you specifically, but persuasion is your main skill.

Sage: Not relevant for a Paladin. Sailor: Athletics and Perception is a solid combination. Proficiencies with water vehicles and free passage to new places opens up avenues of exploration. ShipwrightGoS: The vehicle proficiency is the only things of value from this background. SmugglerGoS: Evil and antihero Paladins look no further! Deception and Athletics are two great skills for your archetype. Soldier: Athletics and Intimidation are both in your wheelhouse, and land vehicle proficiency will help on your travels. Urchin: Not relevant for a Paladin.

You can use your single-cast 1st level spell for a smite. Athlete: Not useful for Paladin. Actor: Not useful for Paladin.

Interception will be used a little less than the other fighting styles making them technically inferior though not bad.

Use your auras to protect allies from conditions, again, staying close to allies. Which subclass should I choose? Oaths tend to form a large part of the ideals for your paladin, so a paladin seeking to make restitution for past crimes might take the oath of redemption while paladins seeking to exact righteous judgement on their foes might take the oath of vengeance. Oath of Devotion Description: Holy warriors, devoted to their cause.

Good for: Archetypal paladins with a broad mix of abilities. Oath of the Ancients Description: Paladins that seek to wage war against darkness for a love of light and life. Good for: Paladins that want to be a bit more like a ranger. Good for: Paladins that want to exact as much damage as possible, as quickly as possible.

Good for: Paladins that have broken their oaths. Good for: Paladins that want to go big on protecting their allies. Oath of Conquest Description: A paladin sworn to conquer and bring about victory. Good for: Paladins that want to deal more damage and handle crowds better.

Oath of Redemption Description: Paladins that believe anyone can be redeemed and will inflict death only as a last resort. Good for: Paladins that prefer to talk first and punch later. Oath of Glory Description: A paladin that has made an oath to win at all costs and have their name etched into legends. Good for: Paladins that like to throw themselves into combat.

Oath of the Watchers Description: A paladin that watches for and protects from the unnatural and alien forces of the universe. Good for: Paladins that want to deal with extra-planar threats. How to optimise a paladin Optimising a character properly can be tricky. Options to avoid: Intelligence and wisdom.

Only invest in one of strength and dexterity usually strength. Innate spellcasting options can work nicely as you can make repeat uses. Races that grant you resistances, increased damage and mobility are also great Think Warforged with their resistances and extra AC or Shadar-Kai with their misty step plus damage ability.

Всё о классе Паладина в ДнД!

The only question is: what are you devoted to? Here are some quick summaries of each subclass, which will give a bit of insight to the theme, generalized game mechanics, and the likely play style to expect. Your interpretation may differ, and if it does, please share how! Whether it be a law, justice, or an authoritative figure, this is the knight who values their word and loyalty above anything else. Game Mechanics: Additional spells include utility and protection spells, like protection from evil and good, or sanctuary. They are able to magically enhance their weapon to do additional damage and create light. The devotion paladin can also turn undead or fiends, making them run away in fear. At later levels, they have an aura to protect themselves and allies against being charmed. Play-style: You want to play the honorable knight, healing the injured, protecting the weak, and showing how great your honour is.

You like to reserve your spells for role-play, and focus on your weapons for combat. The ancient oath works with all kinds of nature to vanquish those who would seed evil into otherwise peaceful grounds. Game Mechanics: Additional spells, with a nature focus, work to control movement and interact with plants and animals. They can call upon nature to root enemies in place, or to turn fey and fiends. At later levels, they gain a powerful aura to reduce all spell damage by half, and eventually gain the ability to come back from 0 hp. Play-style: You like the idea of playing to an oath that is above society and people. You like the nature loving side of druids, but want to use weapons and armor with a only a dash of magical spells. Advertisements Batman — DC Comics Oath of Vengeance PHB Theme: Perseverant and persistent, the paladin of vengeance will tear down any obstacle to find justice, punishing those that have wronged them or others.

The mechanics support an aggressive playstyle with access to teleportation spells which give you the capability to pursue or your quarry or form a tactical retreat when necessary. Abjure Enemy [CD] 2 — Frightened with a speed of zero is a very nice debuff, and the increased potency against fiends and undead makes this a more effective feature even for lower Charisma Paladins. Though, the effect disappearing when the creature takes damage completely undermines all of those benefits, especially when it took your entire action to set up. This can still be helpful but is not a go-to use of your Channel Divinity by any means. Vow of Enmity [CD] 5 — A fantastic buff against bosses and other meaty single targets.

Not only can this help land more smites, but can also aid if you went the route of using Great Weapon Master. Relentless Avenger 2 — A feature that can be useful for chasing down your quarry, but an enemy running away from you whilst provoking an opportunity attack is a bit too niche of a trigger. Soul of Vengeance 4 — A significant improvement to your Vow of Enmity that will increase your damage output drastically, remember the reaction attack will have advantage. Avenging Angel 3 — This is okay overall, the mobility of having a 60ft fly speed is a significant increase to the Paladin, and the fear aura has potential. Crown Driven by their ideals of civilization, Crown Paladins are guided by the law, their loyalty to whichever form of civilization they have chosen, such as a nation or sovereign, and the belief of being responsible for your actions.

Their mechanics are that of a tank Paladin, gaining access to spells and features to protect others or make themselves the center of hostile attention instead. This subclass is often forgotten about, as it was published in the SCAG but not later republished like other subclasses from the same book. Champion Challenge [CD] 5 — A great tanking ability and one of the few abilities in the game that forces enemies to pay attention to you, rather than the squishy spellcasters 35 feet behind you. Turn the Tide [CD] 3 — This ability has a lot of potential and is potentially a lot of hit points. The stand-out spell here is Spirit Guardians, which would synergize well with Champion Challenge, this is the only Paladin to gain access to this great spell.

I would have preferred to see a little more healing on the list, this is the perfect Paladin for Healing Word. Divine Allegiance 2 — If you build your Paladin with soaking up large amounts of damage in mind, this can be very useful to keep your party members alive. However, the inability to reduce the damage, and the 5ft limit of the feature means you would likely be better off using the Interception style for the most part. Unyielding Spirit 2 — Advantage against paralysis and being stunned is nice, but very niche to be the only feature at this late a level. The advantage on Wisdom saving throws is also a large defensive boost at this level, where Wisdom saves are pretty common and the effects of failing them particularly unpleasant.

The stand-out here is that this ability lasts for an entire hour, rather than the much shorter duration of other Oath capstones, allowing you to fit potentially several encounters into a single use. Conquest A very different take on the Paladin archetype, being devoted to crushing all who stand before you and amassing personal power, the mechanics and spells are based around inducing and extorting fear in your enemies. Between the focus on causing the frightened condition and their aura, Conquest Paladins have a reputation of being great battlefield control Paladins. Conquering Presence [CD] 5 — A great debuff with no chance of friendly fire and no risk of removing the effect by damaging the creatures affected. Guided Strike [CD] 3 — Being able to make a big miss a hit is very nice, however, a single hit on a class with Extra Attack is a very expensive use of your Channel Divinity.

Nice to have in your back pocket to pull off a smite when you need to, but it makes far more sense on the War Cleric, which makes fewer attacks and gets more uses of their CD. Oath Spells 5 — The overall theme of the list is very appropriate for the subclass, with a useful selection. Aura of Conquest 5 — This aura ties to your CD and spell options, giving the subclass a very cohesive feel, the effect of the aura itself is also very powerful. Being able to lock down a frightened creature, and automatically doing damage to them, is a quick path to victory. This feature benefits from gaining as many ways to impose the frightened condition as possible and having a higher save DC against that condition.

Scornful Rebuke 5 — Automatic damage, of a good type, whenever someone hits you? What pushes this ability into a 5 is this working at range and both with weapons and spells. Redemption A more social and reactive Paladin, the Oath of Redemption focuses on avoiding conflict or mitigating its consequences. This is executed through spells like Sleep , Calm Emotions, and Hypnotic Pattern, as well as Persuasion buffing, and punitive options for Channel Divinity. This subclass makes a strong candidate for the Charisma-focused, support Paladin playstyle.

Emissary of Peace [CD] 4 — A social ability is nice to see on a martial, a duration of 10 minutes makes it useful for entire social encounters. To get the most out of this ability you really need proficiency in Persuasion and a decent Cha modifier. Rebuke the Violent [CD] 5 — As enemy damage increases, this option will naturally scale in usefulness. Oath Spells 3 — Whilst the spells are very appropriate for the subclass, they run into problems of usefulness and scaling. That said having these spells as options is nice, and Hypnotic Pattern and Wall of Force are very useful control spells.

Aura of the Guardian 2 — A slightly better version of the 7th level Oath of the Crown feature. Protective Spirit 4 — This is a very healthy amount of hp regeneration with some minor scaling built-in for the remaining levels. Note: As it is not stated, when you halve your Paladin level for this feature, you should round down. Emissary of Redemption 3 — Unfortunately, this is a mixed bag, whilst it fulfills the goal of the subclass and provides great benefits, using a lot of your core class features would negate this benefit entirely. This is best for support Paladins who focus on buffs and healing, or who are content with dealing with minions whilst other party members deal with the heavy-hitting enemies.

Glory You thought Conquest was a different spin for a Paladin? Glory focuses on propelling you and your companions to legendary status by focusing on honing their body and skill and putting them to use through acts of courage. Inspiring Smite [CD] 2 — Whilst you can in theory apply these temporary hit points to as many creatures as you have temp hp, realistically for this ability to be worth anything you need to keep the number of creatures to one or two. The use of your bonus action feels a little clunky and makes the activation of this ability dependent on not only multiple factors, but spending an entirely separate resource. This would have easily been a 3 if you could activate it as a bonus action independently.

The range should have been at least 10 feet to start with to make the ability more feasible. This still warrants a 2, as a self-speed bump of 10ft can be useful to a melee character in particular. Glorious Defense 3 — This can be a very potent defensive and retribution ability, however, it is held back by requiring the party to stay tightly clustered together in melee range of the enemy and tying the number of uses to your Charisma modifier for some reason. Watchers Sworn to protect the world from extraplanar threats, this subclass is dedicated to being the ever-vigilant sentry against the threats who seek to invade from beyond our own world.

Level: 18 — The range increases to 30ft. Aura of Courage Level: 10 — The Paladin and any creature within 10ft cannot be frightened. Level: 18 — The range increases to 30 ft. Improved Divine Smite GameCows Ranking: 1 Level: 11 — Whenever the Paladin hits a creature with a melee attack an extra 1d8 is automatically added to the damage without expending a spell slot.

The Paladin can still choose to expend a spell slot to add more radiant damage. If they choose to do so the numbers are simply added together. This can be done equal times to their Charisma modifier and recharges after a long rest. Paladin 5e Subclasses DnD has a ton of varied Paladin subclasses and oaths to choose from.

Preserve Your Own Light: Delight in the beauty of the world.

Be the Light: Let your love of the world be an inspiration for all around you. What are the Oath of the Ancients spells? If you take the Oath of the Ancients, at lower levels you can cast ensnaring strike, speak with animals , moonbeam , and misty step. As your level increases, you will eventually be able to cast plant growth, protection from energy, ice storm , stoneskin, commune with nature, and tree stride. Other Oath of the Ancients abilities Like the other Sacred Oaths, the Oath of the Ancients will grant you special abilities at certain levels. Turn the Faithless: You can force fey or fiends to run away from you in fear.

Aura of Warding: At 7th level, you and your friends nearby are resistant to damage from spells. Undying Sentinel: At the 15th level, once between long rests, if you are reduced to 0 hit points you are reduced to 1 instead. Elder Champion: At the 20th level, you can transform into a divine force of nature. This can be used to regain 10 hit points, cast a Paladin spell as a bonus action, or give nearby enemies a disadvantage on their saving throws against your spells and abilities. A Paladin who takes the Oath of Vengeance has an unwavering commitment to punishing evil beings. Vengeful Paladins will be enraged at evil and violent acts — and their response may be extreme.

Some call these Paladins dark knights or avengers. What are the tenets of the Oath of Vengeance? The tenets of the Oath of Vengeance are the most different from the other Sacred Oaths. Unlike the Oath of Devotion or the Oath of the Ancients, they often lack mercy and forgiveness. Instead, they are rooted in cruel vengeance against those who have committed sins. The tenets of the Oath of the Ancients are: Fight the Greater Evil: You will always attack the greater evil in a scene rather than lesser evils.

No Mercy for the Wicked: You never show mercy to your true enemies, but you may be merciful towards inconsequential foes. By Any Means Necessary: You care little about consequences or morals outside of your search for vengeance. Restitution: You help those who are harmed by your enemies. What is the Oath of Vengeance spells? The Oath of Vengeance also comes with its own spells. Other Oath of Vengeance abilities As you level up, your Oath of Vengeance will give you special abilities.

These are: Channel Divinity: Like the other Sacred Oaths, at the 3rd level, you will be able to channel divinity. If you take the Oath of Vengeance, you gain the following abilities: Abjure Enemy: You choose one enemy within 60ft to frighten, causing it to freeze in fear where it stands. Vow of Enmity: Gain an advantage on your attacks against one nearby enemy. Relentless Avenger: At the 7th level, after attacking an enemy you can also move at half your speed afterward. This helps you stop enemies from fleeing. Soul of Vengeance: At 15th level, if you use your Vow of Enmity on an opponent, you can make an extra attack on that enemy.

Avenging Angel: At 20th level, you can transform into a winged avenger for one hour. You will grow wings and be able to fly and enemies will run in fear from you.

Paladin Backstory: 10 Amazing DND Background Builds

They now make a full oath and join their sacred order. This is the subclass for the Paladin. Ability Score Improvement GameCows Ranking: 2 Like most of the other classes, Paladins get 2 points to add to any of their ability scores max 20. This happens at levels 4, 8, 12, 16, and 19th level. Level: 18 — The range increases to 30ft.

Aura of Courage Level: 10 — The Paladin and any creature within 10ft cannot be frightened. Level: 18 — The range increases to 30 ft. Improved Divine Smite GameCows Ranking: 1 Level: 11 — Whenever the Paladin hits a creature with a melee attack an extra 1d8 is automatically added to the damage without expending a spell slot. The Paladin can still choose to expend a spell slot to add more radiant damage.

Rapier: Go-to option for finesse builds. Paladin Armor Chain Mail: Starting armor. Studded Leather: Armor for finesse builds. For more on multiclassing, see our Practical Guide to Multiclassing. If you do go this route, consider starting with a level of fighter to get proficiency in Constitution saving throws. It will advance your spellcasting twice as fast as Paladin levels, and a single level gets you cantrips and access to the 1st-level abilities of a sorcerous origin.

Warlock: A common, popular, and effective option. Though other patrons have plenty to offer, Hexblade is simply too good to pass up. First, the sword glows almost as brightly as a torch, allowing you to see in dark places without devoting a hand to a torch and without asking your allies to cast light or something. Second, and more important, it allows you to overcome damage resistance to non-magic attacks. Resistances like this are common as you gain levels, and the Moon-Touched Sword is an inexpensive way to overcome them until a better weapon comes along. The actual magic stuff is amusing, but probably not important.

Most melee fighters will prefer a Moon-Touched Sword, but for polearm masters this is your best bet at this rarity. Uncommon Magic Items Adamantine Armor DMG : Curiously, due to the insanely high price of full plate and the inconsistent price of magic items, adamantine full plate can often be less expensive than regular full plate. Boomerang Shield BoMT : An interesting solution to range weaponry, providing the benefits of a returning weapon while also providing the benefit of a shield. If you dumped Strength to 8, going straight to 19 can be helpful. Guardian Emblem : This can prevent a ton of damage to your party. Lantern of Revealing DMG : An excellent counter to invisible enemies for a class without a built-in way to handle them.

Mistral Mantle GotG : Cold resistance and you can knock an enemy prone just my moving near them. Make sure you take proficiency in Perception if you can manage it without sacrificbing a Face skill. Nothing fancy, but very effective. Lightly-armored paladins might still prefer a Broom of Flying.

Charisma is a highly favored ability score, since both Paladin and Warlock spells and abilities use this score. Constitution, as usual, is extremely important for survival. At level 3 and further, levels should be put in Warlock, taking melee option abilities as you level. Warlocks regain all spell slots during a short rest. The strategy: As often as possible, utilize Divine Smite on hits to increase melee power - which can be then replenished during a short rest. The weakness: Although few monsters are resistant to radiant, this build focuses on radiant damage.

Cartomancer BoMT : The card spell effectively lets you choose one spell from your spell list not from your prepared spells and quicken it ahead of time. The issue is that Inspiring Leader is a much better fit for the Paladin, providing considerably more total temporary hit points with less time and effort, and removing the need to constantly eat snacks in combat. Paladins do very little with their bonus action, so TWF might be a decent option. The numeric bonus to damage is more effective offensively than upgrading from d6 to d8 damage dice, though you do lose the AC bonus. Durable PHB : Paladins have plenty of healing options. The 1st-level spells are hard for the Paladin. Bless is a solid buff, but without proficiency in Constitution saves it can be hard to maintain Concentration, though Aura of Protection helps a lot. Hex is a good offensive option, but with only two attacks it may not be especially helpful.

Grappler PHB : Just a terrible feat in general. Great Weapon Master PHB : Paladins have several options for boosting their attack rolls, so you can find a way to offset the -5 penalty to attacks for that huge pile of extra damage. Healer PHB : Paladins have plenty of magical options for healing. Lucky PHB : Good on anyone. If you want to rely more directly on cantrips, consider Fighting Style Blessed Warrior instead. Big sections of the monster manual are medium or smaller, so you have easy access to Advantage. Regardless of how you handle your mount, be sure to read my Practical Guide to Mounted Combat. Piercer TCoE : The damage reroll mechanic notably applies to the bonus damage dice applied by Divine Smite, allowing you to boost your damage by rerolling the lowest die.

The ability to make Opportunity Attacks when enemies move into your reach gives you a good way to use your Reaction consistently, especially if you use things like Compelled Duel to motivate enemies to attack you. You can even get away with using a quarterstaff or spear and a shield spear was added in errata in 2018. The largest damage die d12 , yields an average of 2 extra damage per turn. The reaction option also makes things like Fighting Style: Protection redundant. Sharpshooter PHB : Paladins are terrible at ranged combat. Skilled PHB : You can get all the skills you need from your race, class, and background.

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